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WP 4: Economic Incentives & Funding Framework Dr. Robin Bürger Jens Rockel Annamaria Riemer Graz, 05 November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 4: Economic Incentives & Funding Framework Dr. Robin Bürger Jens Rockel Annamaria Riemer Graz, 05 November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 4: Economic Incentives & Funding Framework Dr. Robin Bürger Jens Rockel Annamaria Riemer Graz, 05 November 2013

2 Agenda I. WP4 milestones and expert interviews II. Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions III. Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis IV. Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope V. Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo VI. Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) VII. Outlook WP4 2

3 WP4 milestones and expert interviews 3

4 CountryConducted interviews Target number of interviews Status-quo of interviews Lodz Graz Austria15 Czech Republic1015 Poland37-10 Hungary715 Italy05-10 Germany364546 Update on conducted interviews and prediction 4

5 Agenda I. WP4 milestones and expert interviews II. Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions III. Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis IV. Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope V. Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo VI. Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) VII. Outlook WP4 5

6 Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions Status-quo – Analytical Report: ENVIROS Pro Akademia STENUM ENEA (draft) CORVINUS 6

7 Agenda I. WP4 milestones and expert interviews II. Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions III. Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis IV. Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope V. Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo VI. Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) VII. Outlook WP4 7

8 Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis Synthesis Report No. 1 Output 4.3.1 Institutional barriers and drivers for financing eco-innovation “Institutional barriers and drivers for financial incentive, supportive measures and loan schemes will be identified and analyzed in the participating countries. The results of the analysis will be drawn up in a synthesis report.” (AF) The synthesis report will be provided by Fraunhofer MOEZ The necessary condition for the synthesis report is that the analytical reports 4.1.3 – 4.1.8 have a comparable structure 8

9 Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis Synthesis Report No. 1 General overview of relevant organizations that finance eco-innovation and introduction of the financing instruments Questions for the assessment in the analytical report (1): Are the available public financing instruments sufficient with regard to the political goals (e.g. National action plan or Roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe)? → List of (1) the most relevant national policies, strategies and action plans which foster eco-innovation and (2) the responsible organizations for policy formulation and provision of support mechanisms What are the main obstacles to receive public funds for investments in eco- innovation? What are possible improvements which would lead to easier access to public funds? Are there any best practice examples for public financing instruments? 9

10 Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis Synthesis Report No. 1 Questions for the assessment in the analytical report (2): What are the main barriers to obtain private capital for eco-innovation investments? → Are there any best practice examples for private financing instruments and services? Are there any further innovative financing instruments offered for financing eco- innovations (short description and assessment of instruments with regards to appropriateness and accessibility)? → Are there any best practice examples for innovative financing instruments and services? 10

11 Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis Synthesis Report No. 1 Planned structure: Overview resource efficiency policy initiatives in the EU – focus on financing RE measures (MOEZ) Comparison of national policy initiatives and public funding instruments → assessment of the adequacy of the measures, absorption of funds, funding access + best practice examples - Basis: desk research + interviews with financial actors Comparison of private and innovative financing instruments and services → assessment: (in)sufficient financing offers, bottlenecks in financing RE measures + best practice examples - Basis: desk research + interviews with financial actors 11

12 Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis Synthesis Report No. 1 Available information so far… Comparison of national policy initiatives and public funding instruments → assessment of the adequacy of the measures, absorption of funds, funding access + best practice examples: further information necessary from Austria and Hungary Comparison of private and innovative financing instruments and services → assessment: (in)sufficient financing offers, bottlenecks in financing RE measures + best practice examples: no differentiation between SMEs and financial actors in the assessment (as requested in the structure of the analytical reports) SWOT-analysis should be updated (interview results) 12

13 Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis Synthesis Report No. 2 Output 4.3.2 Barriers & drivers for financing eco-innovation on enterprise level “Based on the results of a survey (3.1.8), addressed to enterprises that made eco- innovation investments, barriers and drivers for running supportive measures or loan schemes will be analyzed for the enterprises perspective.” (AF) 13

14 Agenda I. WP4 milestones and expert interviews II. Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions III. Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis IV. Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope V. Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo VI. Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) VII. Outlook WP4 14

15 Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope Development of an easy to use indicator system for financial stakeholders to optimize the decision- making processes of RE-investments Introduction: I.Relevance of Non Product Output Costs II.Setting Up Baseline Indicators III.Technical and Environmental Assessment IV.Economic Evaluation – Basic methods for CBA V.Economic Indicators for Investment Decisions First collection of methods by ENVIROS & Fraunhofer: 15

16 Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope Scope of Cost Benefit Approach (WP4 Core Output): Requirements of financial stakeholders (Fraunhofer expert interviews):  Easy measurable indicators to estimate the costs and benefits of RE-projects  Detailed contribution of RE-projects (economically and ecologically) Discussion: How to combine the CBA with EDIT Value Tool (WP3)?  Possible topics for a follow-up project PRESOURCE 2.0 Fraunhofer suggestion: 2 phases – tool (quick-check and comprehensive analysis) 16

17 Agenda I. WP4 milestones and expert interviews II. Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions III. Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis IV. Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope V. Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo VI. Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) VII. Outlook WP4 17

18 Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo Financial guideline for promoting new financing schemes (WP4 Core Output): Based on outcomes of the market- and stakeholder analysis and the review of corporate financing instruments (almost finalized by Fraunhofer) Improved knowledge and mechanisms for risk sharing and financing eco- innovations in SMEs 80% of the final financial guideline is already developed Will be send out for feedback in February 2014 Short excerpt from the financial-guide document 18

19 Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo 19

20 Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo 20

21 Agenda I. WP4 milestones and expert interviews II. Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions III. Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis IV. Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope V. Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo VI. Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) VII. Outlook WP4 21

22 Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) Transnational workshop on innovative financing instruments of RE-projects (4.1.11): Tuesday June 3 rd, 2014 Workshop in Berlin: Tuesday June 3 rd, 2014  Please save the date! Location: Fraunhofer Forum Berlin (Homepage-Link)Homepage-Link Speakers: Representatives of innovative financial stakeholders; D, AT, CZ … Target group: Policy makers and financial actors (innovative instruments) Next steps: Invitation of Key-Note speakers and participants (max. 50 persons) First draft of the Workshop-Agenda in Berlin 22

23 Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) 23

24 Agenda I. WP4 milestones and expert interviews II. Analytical Report (4.1): Status-quo and contributions III. Synthesis Reports I+II (4.3): Structure and gap analysis IV. Cost Benefit Approach (4.2): Introduction and scope V. Financial Guideline (4.1): Status-quo VI. Workshops in Berlin and Vienna 2014 (WP5) VII. Outlook WP4 24

25 Outlook WP4 To do list: I.Finalization of expert interviews (WP 4 financial actors; WP3 SMEs) II.Country-specific information for the synthesis report No. 1 and 2: Comparison of national policy initiatives and public funding instruments → assessment of the adequacy of the measures, absorption of funds, funding access + best practice examples Comparison of private and innovative financing instruments and services → assessment: (in)sufficient financing offers, bottlenecks in financing RE measures + best practice examples  Deadline: 30 November 2013 (Please use Fraunhofer template) 25

26 Thank you for your attention! Fraunhofer MOEZ Working Group Financing Innovation Neumarkt 9-19 04109 Leipzig Germany Dr. Robin Bürger Phone: +49 341 231 039 136 Email: Jens Rockel Phone: +49 341 231 039 119 Email: Annamaria Riemer Phone: +49 341 231 039 132 Email:

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