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University of Papua New Guinea Principles of Microeconomics Lecture 1: Introduction.

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1 University of Papua New Guinea Principles of Microeconomics Lecture 1: Introduction

2 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 1 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Overview Aim of the course Structure of the course The economic problem Economics as a social science Efficiency v. equity Foundational ideas of economics Textbook Online resources Assessment

3 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 2 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Aim of the course To understand: –How markets work => i.e. how consumers and firms make choices and interact in markets –The limitations of the market, and when and why government intervention could help to achieve public policy goals

4 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 3 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Aim of the course To understand: –The limitations of government intervention into markets, and when and why government intervention may not help to achieve public policy goals PLUS: –To develop analytical and critical thinking skills and use them to design microeconomic policy …and all with at least a little enthusiasm!

5 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 4 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Structure of the course The basics of markets + Thinking about efficiency and equity Intro and foundational concepts Market structures and firms Market failure and government regulation + Case studies Weeks 2 – 4 Week 1 Week 5 – 8 Week 9 – 13 RevisionWeek 13

6 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 5 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish The economic problem Economics: –All about money? –The economic problem: unlimited wants versus finite resources –Economics ≠ capitalism The economic spectrum: Central planning mixed economy laissez-faire capitalism

7 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 6 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Economics as a social science A social science: the ‘dismal science’ Where does economics intersect with politics? »EVERYWHERE! Positive v. normative economic analysis: –Positive: Value-free analysis (can be checked with facts) –Normative: Value-laden analysis (can only be checked by referring to moral principles)

8 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 7 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Efficiency v. equity There is often a trade-off! Is economics about efficiency or equity? –Productive efficiency A product is made using the least amount of resources –Allocative efficiency Resources are allocated according to their most productive social use

9 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 8 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Some foundational ideas Some foundational ideas of economics: –People make rational decisions –People respond to (economic) incentives –Decisions are made at the margin Decision rule MB > MC (up until MB = MC) Known as ‘marginal analysis’

10 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 9 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Some foundational ideas Opportunity cost: –The value of the next best alternative –Distinguishes the decision-making in economics from mere accounting! Microeconomics: the study of markets and their participants Macroeconomics: the study of the economy as a whole

11 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 10 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Textbook ??th Edition

12 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 11 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Online resources All material in the course will be made available at: – This means: –The course outline –Lecture powerpoints –Links to articles and.pdfs –Anything else relevant or useful !

13 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 12 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Assessment Tutorial Participation: 5% –Tutorials are every week, starting in Week 2 Tutorial Hand-ins: 10% –Due in tutorials every week, starting from Week 3 Attendance at ‘Economics Inspired’ sessions: 5% –Sessions are every week, starting in Week 2

14 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 13 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Assessment Class Exam 1: 15% –Will be held in a lecture slot in Week 6 –Will cover all material from Weeks 1 to 4 Class Exam 2: 15% –Will be held in a lecture slot in Week 10 –Will cover all material from Weeks 5 to 8

15 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 14 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Assessment Final Exam: 50% –Will cover the entire course! –No ‘double-pass’ required (i.e. it is technically possible to pass the course without passing the exam – but I wouldn’t recommend this as a strategy!!) –Details about time, date and location to be provided as soon as they are confirmed

16 The University of Papua New Guinea Slide 15 Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Cornish Some final words…

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