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By: Samantha Manatees live in warm, shallow waters in canals and on coasts. They are called sea cows and the average adult can grow to about 12 feet.

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2 By: Samantha

3 Manatees live in warm, shallow waters in canals and on coasts. They are called sea cows and the average adult can grow to about 12 feet long. It weighs about 1,800 pounds and it lives roughly 60 years.

4 The Humpback Whale is a whale that sings amazing songs and eats plants not people. It can grow to be about 52 feet, and can weigh up to about 30-50 tons. Females are slightly larger then the males. The Humpback whales are the noisiest whales. Calves drink 100 pounds of milk daily. A calf is born every 1-3 years. Its life span is 45-50 years.

5 Sea otters are mammals. They live along the Pacific Ocean, coasts, bays, and kelp beds.This type of weasel spends most of its time in the water where it can slip and slide. It is very slow and awkward on land though. The sea otter is a protected species. Sea otters are carnivores. They are intelligent animals. Some sharks and birds are predators of this poor creature. On land bears and coyotes are the main deal.

6 Sea Lions are intelligent social marine mammals. They make roaring noises, barks, and honks. They are fast swimming up to 25 mph in the water in short bursts. They are fast on land “walking” with 4 flippers. They are hunted by killer whales and some sharks.

7 Bottlenose dolphins are small,toothed whales. They can grow up to be 12 feet. They swim by moving their tail up and down. Fish swim by moving their tail left and right. Their diet is eating mostly fish and squid. They live in tropical small groups called pods. Their life span is about 25 years. Dolphins live in temperate waters.

8 The Ray is an intelligent flattened fish. They are closely related to sharks. They are social animals that live in seas all over the world. The huge groups make up thousands of individuals. They have no bones, they have cartilage instead. They have spines on their tail which can poison other animals when stung.

9 The Killer Whale is a toothed whale. It is the largest member of the dolphin family. They live in small, close-knit, life-long pods. They hunt for fish, squid, birds, seals, sea turtles, octopi, even sharks and other whales.


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