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Best Practices in WASH Eng. Shah Wali & Dr. Shir Ahmad Stakeholders’ Seminar 25 th March 2010, Kabul 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices in WASH Eng. Shah Wali & Dr. Shir Ahmad Stakeholders’ Seminar 25 th March 2010, Kabul 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices in WASH Eng. Shah Wali & Dr. Shir Ahmad Stakeholders’ Seminar 25 th March 2010, Kabul 1

2 DACAAR DACAAR aims to support the development of sustainable livelihoods for rural Afghans through co-operation with government institutions in Afghanistan, capacity building at the community level and improving rural infrastructure and facilities 2

3 DACAAR and WASH 1986: Commenced water supply to Afghan refugees in Pakistan 1988: Handpump production in Pakistan 1991: WASH initiated in Afghanistan To date: > 5 million women, men, girls and boys have benefitted from >40,000 water points in 27 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces. 3

4 Best Practices Study Consultancy: May to September 2009 Wide consultation (including MRRD, Unicef, UNHCR and field visits) 4 thematic papers 2 Best Practices papers - Community Based Maintenance System - Hygiene Education 4

5 3-phased model of community involvement Planning Implementation Maintenance 5

6 Planning District survey Agreement with government authorities / shuras Site selection 6

7 Principles for site selection Community ownership Number of users per water point Privacy and accessibility Public land Sources of contamination Walking distance Agreement of all / involvement of women 7

8 Implementation Tri-partite Agreement (DACAAR, UG and mechanic/ valveman Type of technology (dug well, tube well, pipe scheme) Comm. contribution (varies with type of technology) 8

9 Maintenance Caretaker Handpump mechanic Valveman Spare parts shopkeeper TMU HIT 9

10 Challenges Lack of proper interagency coordination and compliance with MRRD Guidelines Reduced willingness or ability of communities to pay the mechanic/ valveman in times of crisis, e.g. drought Social power dynamics 10


12 Key messages Safe water Personal Hygiene Environmental hygiene and sanitation Food safety Rehydration therapy to treat diarrhea

13 Training of promoters Theoretical training 1-3days Practical training 4-6 days Field training 1-6 days

14 Promotion in couples To reach women, men and children. Enables the female spouse to travel. Community acceptance. Supervisor couple. training, advice and supervision. Recruit locally

15 Various learning methods Illustrative material Practical Exercises Group discussions Passages from Quran Community walks Radio episodes Posters Booklet

16 Hygiene kit Nail cutter Soap Shampoo Hand towel Tooth brush Tooth paste Bag with printed messages

17 KAP study Carried out twice Observations and survey Carried out by independents Same season and time. Focus group discussion

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