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The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols 26-30 July 2010 Washington DC, USA International Plant Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols 26-30 July 2010 Washington DC, USA International Plant Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols 26-30 July 2010 Washington DC, USA International Plant Protection Convention 1

2 The IPPC Multilateral treaty for international cooperation in plant protection Standard setting organization Identified in the WTO-SPS Agreement as the authority for plant health standards Facilitate the exchange of information between its contracting parties Promotes technical assistance International Plant Protection Convention 2

3 Scope of the IPPC International cooperation for the protection of plants and plant products from harmful pests – All plants: agricultural plants, forests, wild flora – All pests of plants: invertebrates, diseases and weeds –“Harm”: includes indirect effects such as those from weeds International Plant Protection Convention 3

4 IPPC facts Last revision in 1997 and amendments entered into force in 2005 –consistent with SPS principles and expectations –formalizes Secretariat and standard-setting 173 contracting parties (as of July 2010) International Plant Protection Convention 4

5 Key principles Sovereign right to regulate Measures - only when necessary Measures should be: –consistent with the risk, technically justified and the least restrictive –non-discriminatory –transparent (published) International Plant Protection Convention 5

6 Key obligations under the IPPC Set up and administer a National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) Designate an official IPPC contact point Certify exports and regulate imports Develop and take into account phytosanitary standards International Plant Protection Convention 6

7 Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Governing body for the IPPC Reviews global plant protection needs and sets the annual work programme Adopts International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) Promotes technical assistance and information exchange activities International Plant Protection Convention 7

8 Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Membership: contracting parties Observers also attend (RPPOs, WTO, Convention on Biological Diversity, etc.) Meets annually, provisional dates and venue for the next meeting is: CPM-6 - 14-18 March 2011 FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy International Plant Protection Convention 8

9 CPM Administrative Bodies CPM Bureau Standards Committee Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement Informal Working Groups Expert Working Groups and Technical Panels International Plant Protection Convention 9

10 CPM Bureau –Composed from 7 members, one each from the 7 FAO regions, including CPM Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons –Acts on behalf of the CPM between sessions –Reviews some administrative and strategic issues, and make recommendations International Plant Protection Convention 10

11 CPM Administrative Bodies Standards Committee (SC) – Oversees the standard setting process – Approves specifications for ISPMs, approves draft ISPMs for member consultation, reviews member comments, and recommends ISPMs for adoption by the CPM – Group of 25 international experts from the 7 FAO regions International Plant Protection Convention 11

12 CPM Administrative Bodies Standards Committee (SC) – Meets two times per year (May and November) – Next SC Meeting 1-5 November 2010, Rome, Italy – On some topics, takes decisions by email between meetings International Plant Protection Convention 12

13 CPM Administrative Bodies Five Technical Panels (TPs) on: Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT) 26-30 July 2010, Kyoto, Japan Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP) 26-30 July 2010, Washington DC, USA Forest Quarantine (TPFQ) 20-24 September 2010, TBA Fruit Flies, pest free areas, and areas of low pest prevalence (TPFF) 4-8 October 2010, Vienna, Austria Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms (TPG) 11-15 October 2010, Rome, Italy International Plant Protection Convention 13

14 Technical Panels (TPs) – Draft ISPMs and advise the SC – Experts nominated by NPPOs/RPPOs, selected by the SC – A steward guides the TP – Submit draft ISPM to the SC for review International Plant Protection Convention 14

15 Information exchange Contracting parties provide: –Official contact points –Official information on pests and phytosanitary measures IPPC Secretariat: –Provides official documents (ISPMs, reports, etc.) –Maintains the IPPC website International Plant Protection Convention 15

16 Technical assistance IPPC staff provide phytosanitary support to: –FAO technical cooperation programmes (TCPs) –Ad hoc workshops (e.g. WTO, SPS) –Programmes of other regional and international organizations (e.g. IAEA, APO, APEC) International Plant Protection Convention 16

17 Standard setting process Biennial call for topics for ISPMs SPTA and SC recommend topics CPM decides topics for development EWGs / TPs draft ISPMs SC reviews drafts ISPMs Member consultation TP/SC incorporates comments Adoption by the CPM International Plant Protection Convention 17

18 Standard setting process 2 processes: “Regular” and “Special” The special process − Used for non-concept or technical standards − Draft standards can be submitted to the SC at any time by e-mail International Plant Protection Convention 18

19 Standard setting work programme 34 adopted ISPMs (plus some annexes, e.g. Thrips palmi DP) 84 topics or subjects at various stages of development on the work programme TPDP: 6 topics and 32 subjects (protocols) − Bacteria, Fungi and fungus-like organisms, Insects and mites, Nematodes, Plants, Viruses and phytoplasmas International Plant Protection Convention 19

20 Most recent adopted ISPMs (CPM-5, March) ISPM No. 5 (2010): Glossary ISPM No. 33 (2010): Pest free potato (Solanum spp.) micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade ISPM No. 34 (2010) Design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants 3 phytosanitary treatments Diagnostic protocol for Thrips palmi International Plant Protection Convention 20

21 Operation of the Technical Panel: Members are selected based on their expertise in relation to the topic Members have a 5-year term Meetings are held annually No observers allowed, but can have invited experts and representative from host and organizer Working procedures International Plant Protection Convention 21

22 Operation of the Technical Panel Roles: − Experts − Steward − Host / Organizer − Rapporteur − Invited Experts − Secretariat − Chair International Plant Protection Convention 22

23 Experts Prepare for and attend meetings Contribute knowledge and expertise Actively participate in discussions Aim to produce globally acceptable standards Global representatives, not national or regional On TPDP, relay to the group the issues raised by authors and editorial teams in their discipline International Plant Protection Convention 23

24 Steward Member of the Standards Committee Oversees the work of the TP and helps interpret directions from the SC Link between TPDP and SC International Plant Protection Convention 24

25 Host / Organizer Provide local information and assistance Provide support for the organization and running of the meeting International Plant Protection Convention 25

26 Rapporteur Ensures report of the meeting reflects the discussion Assists with the development of the report International Plant Protection Convention 26

27 Invited Experts Have specific expertise that is needed at the meeting Invited to take part in the relevant part of the meeting International Plant Protection Convention 27

28 Secretariat Provides information on IPPC Facilitates the process Keeps members on track with various IPPC procedures Assists steward and TPDP Organization and administration Organizes the intersession work: feedback needed! International Plant Protection Convention 28

29 Chairperson Elected by the TP members Ensures meeting runs smoothly Ensures everyone has a chance to speak Finds compromises and agreements International Plant Protection Convention 29

30 Chairperson Let’s have a break so you can discuss who you will nominate to be your chair. Be back in 10 minutes. International Plant Protection Convention 30

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