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Presentation on theme: "MEASUREING BIAS FROM UNBIASED OBSERVABLE SEOKCHEON LEE (KIAS) The 50 th Workshop on Gravitation and Numerical INJE Univ."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEASUREING BIAS FROM UNBIASED OBSERVABLE SEOKCHEON LEE (KIAS) The 50 th Workshop on Gravitation and Numerical Relativity @ INJE Univ

2 OUTLINE Cosmology from observations Structure Growth Galaxy Clustering Redshift Space Distortions (RSD) Measuring Galaxy Power Spectrum Data analysis in galaxy surveys Bias Factor Extract Bias Factor FROM Observation CONCLUSION

3 COSMOLOGY (1960s) OBSERVATION (MAINLY ASTRONOMICAL) EM radiation (radio, microwave, IR, visible, UV, X- ray) Particles 1. cosmic rays (proton, electron, nuclei) 2. neutrino THEORY Redshifts of galaxies (expansion of Univ) 1. Steady State Univ (no evolution in structure) 2.Big Bang Theory c : finite z>0 : look back in time dc(zls) = 0.99 dc(zinfinity)

4 COSMOLOGY (1960s) OBSERVATION (MAINLY ASTRONOMICAL) EM radiation (radio, microwave, IR, visible, UV, X- ray) Particles 1. cosmic rays (proton, electron, nuclei) 2. neutrino THEORY Redshifts of galaxies (expansion of Univ) 1. Steady State Univ (no evolution in structure) 2.Big Bang Theory c : finite z>0 : look back in time dc(zls) = 0.99 dc(zinfinity)

5 STRUCTURE GROWTH Structure growth happens due to peculiar velocities randomly distributed δ starts from δ 1

6 LINEAR PECULIAR VELOCITIES Assume galaxy with physical position x(t) peculiar velocity and gravitational acceleration continuity (linear approximation) and Poisson equation Solution for peculiar velocity & matter fluctuation

7 REDSHIFT SPACE DISTORTIONS We measure distances from redshifts (velocities cz = Hx) Peculiar velocities misinterpreted as distance shift (Hubble flow + peculiar velocity) Coherent shifts affect correlation function (Power Spectrum)

8 MEASURING GALAXY POWER SPECTRUM What we measure is in the redshift space (denoting with superscript, s) which is different from observable in real space Also what we observe is galaxy not dark matter, need to introduce bias factor, b(z)

9 DATA ANALYSIS IN GALAXY SURVEYS : I First create random catalogue with same spatial sampling (same number of particles) as galaxies without clustering. define overdensity field as Modeling the angular galaxy mask & radial galaxy distribution

10 DATA ANALYSIS IN GALAXY SURVEYS : II Change into the redshift distribution in bins (ex : 6dF GRS, arXiv:1204.4725) Fit to the redshift space 2-point correlation function Compare this with the theoretical 2-point correlation function to obtain βσ gal σ gal

11 BIAS FACTOR Galaxy does not trace the dark matter (biased or anti-biased) Nuisance parameter because we don’t understand δ gal There exist several fitting formulae (ref arXiv:1405.5521)

12 Extract Bias From Observation Derive bias factor from its definition From Observation : Measurable From theory : Calculable

13 PREDICTION OF b FOR GR & MG Predictions

14 CONCLUSIONS What we see is not what we have due to RSD and b(z) Bias was known as a nuisance parameter Bias can be obtained both from theory and observation One can investigate the cosmology and galaxy dependence on b Different gravity theories produce different b(z). Thus, one should consider these difference compared with data (because theory calculate Pm(k) not Pg(k) b(z) grows as z increases in GR but not in f(R) or DGP

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