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Lab Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Safety

2 Safety Equipment A tour of the lab: Aprons Goggles Fire extinguisher
Broken glass disposal Gloves Trash cans

3 Always treat the chemicals in the laboratory as if they are hazardous.
Use Common Sense… Always treat the chemicals in the laboratory as if they are hazardous. Never eat or drink in the laboratory. Never smell or touch substances in the laboratory without specific instructions. Never mix any chemicals unless you are instructed to do so. If you spill any chemicals on your skin or in your eyes, tell your teacher immediately!

4 Dress properly for the laboratory.
Lab Attire Dress properly for the laboratory. Wear a lab apron! Wear goggles when instructed! Roll long sleeves above the wrist. Tie back long hair. Don’t wear loose-fitting sleeves or bulky outerwear. Avoid open-toed shoes. Dangling jewelry should be removed. The lab is NOT the place to make a fashion statement!

5 Behavior NEVER run, push, or engage in horseplay of any kind in the laboratory.

6 More Lab Safety Guidelines
Report any accident, spill, or breakage to you teacher immediately. Always follow the directions given by your lab manual or by your teacher.

7 Use care with electricity.
Always make sure electrical cords are kept away from the edge of the table. b. Always use electrical equipment in a completely dry area.

8 Be careful with laboratory glassware.
Always be careful when carrying glassware to and from you work area. Never use your bare hands to clean up broken glassware. Glassware looks the same regardless of its temperature. Do not use cracked glassware. Properly dispose of broken glassware.

9 More Lab Safety Guidelines
Always clean your work area and equipment at the end of the lab period.

10 Common Special Hazard Symbols

11 What is wrong & why??? * eating while conducting an experiment
* not wearing safety goggles while heating & using chemicals * cork (or stopper) in a piece of glassware that is being heated

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