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Social Studies Jeopardy: Ch. 10 55555 10 20 30. Who led a rebellion because Massachusetts property taxes were hard on farmers? Daniel Shays.

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1 Social Studies Jeopardy: Ch. 10 55555 10 20 30

2 Who led a rebellion because Massachusetts property taxes were hard on farmers? Daniel Shays

3 What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention? To revise the Articles of Confederation

4 What was the outcome of the Constitutional Convention?  The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation

5 What is the name of the group that was unhappy with the Constitution and argued against states ratifying it? Antifederalists

6 What are the ten Constitutional amendments specifying freedoms called? The Bill of Rights

7 What did the states hope to gain under the Articles of Confederation? Freedom, independence, and a strong league of friendship

8 What called for congress to have two houses, the senate and the House of Representatives?  The Great Compromise

9 List the main weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.  Unable to collect taxes, could not trade with European nations, had only one branch of government, confusion with money, and inflation.

10 In what ways were the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 successful?  It was successful because it was a plan for allowing a large piece of land to become states equal to the original 13 states.

11 What was ordered by the Northwest Territory of 1787?  The Northwest Territory would be divided into smaller territories, a governor and judges were named to govern the territory, and slavery was prohibited

12 What happened when Congress pledged to add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution?  Many states decided to sign the Constitution.

13 What were the goals of the Constitution as stated in the Preamble?  To defend the nation, ensure peace, to establish justice, and to protect the people’s liberty and well-being.

14 Which point in the Virginia Plan did supporters of the New Jersey Plan object to? Larger states should have more representatives in Congress

15 How did Benjamin Franklin describe the government under the Constitution? “A republic, if you can keep it.”

16 What was the main reason that many states wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?  The Bill of Rights placed specific limits on the government. Some people feared that a strong government would become too powerful and the Bill of Rights removed this fear.

17 Why did the delegates draft a new plan instead of revising the Articles of Confederation?  By proposing the Virginia and New Jersey Plans, delegates indicated that they were unhappy with the Articles of Confederation and many delegates felt that the government would not be strong enough with just a revision.

18 Why was it important for the delegates to be able to change their minds at the Constitutional Convention?  The delegates had to compromise to come up with a plan with which most states would agree on. Sometime a compromise means a person has to change his/her mind.

19 How did the Articles of Confederation affect relations between the U.S. and European Nations?  The Articles of Confederation kept the U.S. from forming trade relations because it could not pass laws making trade rules. Many European governments did not respect the U.S.

20 Who wrote The Federalists essays, and what were they trying to accomplish?  They were written by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. They wanted to educate people on the weaknesses of the Antifederalists’ arguments. They were hoping to convince people to vote for the Constitution

21 How did Shays’ Rebellion and other protests affect the government?  They caused concern among nationalists. They believed a stronger national government was needed and eventually the Articles of Confederation was replace with the Constitution.

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