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 n., a person stubbornly devoted to his or her own prejudices and opinions. Only a bigot would claim that one race is superior to another.

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2  n., a person stubbornly devoted to his or her own prejudices and opinions. Only a bigot would claim that one race is superior to another.

3  n. an exaggerated sense of self-importance: conceit Egotism can get in the way of doing the right thing because people often put themselves before others..

4  v. to root out, get rid of, destroy completely Nothing can eradicate the love of liberty from the hearts of a free people!

5  adj. characterized by charm, good taste and generosity. Jim was gracious when accepting his outstanding student award; he thanked his family, teachers and coaches for all their support.

6  v. to think about, ponder; to grind or mix; to heat and flavor with spices Let me have some time to mull over your proposal before I give you a definite answer.

7  adj. overused and consequently lacking in interest or originality The use of pet names should generally be avoided as they can become meaningless and appear trite with the passing of time.

8  adj., not able to be fixed, repaired or undone. If you don’t learn to apologize the damage to your relationships can be irreparable.

9  n. military blockade of a city or fortified place to force its inhabitants to surrender. The town survived two sieges by enemy and was able to rebuild after the war.

10  Adj. hazy, vague, indistinct His response to the question was nebulous and it was unclear that he understood what was being asked of him.

11  v. to agree or comply with something The young boy acquiesced his mother's request to clean his room.

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