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Definition and Names Foundation Effects Ministers and Recipients Signs and Symbols Necessity Matter and Form.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition and Names Foundation Effects Ministers and Recipients Signs and Symbols Necessity Matter and Form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition and Names Foundation Effects Ministers and Recipients Signs and Symbols Necessity Matter and Form

2 Objectives Explain Baptism as a Sacrament of initiation To live the faith received in baptism To thank God for the gift of faith and forgiveness through prayers

3 Common Understanding Social event Registration to the Church Result Nominal Catholics

4 Definition Baptism is a sacrament which man, being washed with water in the name of the Three Divine Persons is spiritually reborn

5 NAME OF THE SACRAMENT 1. Baptism- Gk. Word baptizein meaning to plunge or to immerse 2. Washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit 3. Enlightenment

6 Foundation Biblical Foundations a. Gen.1:2 – water has been the source of life and fruitfulness; Scripture sees it as “overshadowed” by the Spirit of God. b. 1 Pt. 3:20 – in Noah’s ark, a few, that is, eight persons were saved through water. c. crossing of the Red Sea d. crossing of the Jordan River e. Ez. 36:25

7 Foundation f. Jesus’ Baptism – in order to fulfill all righteousness; a manifestation of his self emptying. (Mt. 3:13, 15; Phil. 2:7) g. blood and water – which flowed out from the side of Jesus are types of Baptism and Eucharist. (Jn.19:34, 1 Jn. 5:6-8), from then on it is possible to be born of water and spirit (Jn. 3:5)

8 Effects Effects of Baptism 1. New life in union with Christ 2. Removal of the original sin 3. Incorporation into the Church 4. Sharing in Christ’s mission 5. Indelible spiritual character

9 Effects New Life in union with Christ - described as dying and rising with Christ in Baptism. - symbolized by being immersed into and coming out of the water.

10 Effects Removal of the Original Sin - symbolized by the washing with water - “original sin” -the sinful state resulting from the first sin. - freedom form sin means indwelling of the Holy Spirit through gifts and fruits.

11 Effects Gifts of the Holy Spirit 1. Wisdom 2. Understanding 3. Counsel 4. Fortitude 5. Knowledge 6. Piety 7. Fear of the Lord

12 Effects Theological Virtues 1. Faith 2. Hope 3. Charity Moral Virtues 1. Temperance 2. Justice 3. Prudence 4. Fortitude

13 Effects Fruits of the Holy Spirit 1. love6. generosity 2. joy7. faithfulness 3. peace8. gentleness 4. patience9. self-control 5. kindness10. humility

14 Effects Incorporation into the Church - we become members of the Church - brings about Christian responsibilities.

15 Sharing in Christ’s Mission - three-fold office of Christ: a. prophetic - preaching b. priestly - worship c. kingly - service

16 Effects Indelible Spiritual Character - a seal that can never be erased by mortal sin or even by death. - thus renders the Sacrament of Baptism non- repeatable.

17 Ministers and Recipients a. ordinary ministers = bishops, priests, deacons b. extraordinary ministers = any person may baptize (in cases of necessity) using the prescribed formula for baptism Anybody who are not yet baptized

18 Symbols and Meanings 1. Anointing with Chrism – sign of the royal priesthood and enrollment into the company of the People of God. 2. White Garment – symbol of their new dignity and new life with Christ. 3. Lighted Candle – shows their vocation to live as befits children of light.

19 Necessity of Baptism Necessary for salvation, without, no one can enter the Kingdom of God Types: baptism by water, by blood and by desire

20 Matter and Form Matter Remote matter: true and natural water Proximate matter: immersion, outpouring sprinkling of water Form: “Name…I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

21 CHURCH’S TEACHING ON BAPTISM Popular Understanding Church’s teaching Baptism makes one think of: 1. A.Water B.Washing away of original sin Baptism truly means: 1. A. New life in Christ- sharing in his dying and rising with him which includes the forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins B. Through the cleansing power of water and the Holy Spirit

22 CHURCH’S TEACHING ON BAPTISM Popular Understanding Church’s teaching 2. a. An entry into the Church building b. Babies c. Passive reception d. Clerical ritual e. Works automatically 2. a.Incorporation to the Christian community, Christ’s body b.adults and babies c.sacrament of the Church’s faith d.personal prayer of those celebrating the sacrament e.receiving the transforming grace of Baptism leading us to conversion and commitment

23 CHURCH’S TEACHING ON BAPTISM Popular Understanding Church’s teaching 3. a. Once-and-for-all ritual b.No active influencing power in ordinary life c. Past event 3. a. Ritual calling for a life of Christian discipleship b.Influencing our daily life as a permanent source of sharing in God’s own life in Christ c.single event grounding the baptized whole future life process by renewing the baptismal vows

24 Seatwork 1. Why is baptism necessary? (5 pts.) 2. Why is baptism called sacrament of enlightenment? (5 pts.) 3. What effect of baptism do you like most? Why? (5 pts)

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