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According to the American Library Association, censorship is the the change in the access status of material, made by a governing authority or its representatives.

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Presentation on theme: "According to the American Library Association, censorship is the the change in the access status of material, made by a governing authority or its representatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 According to the American Library Association, censorship is the the change in the access status of material, made by a governing authority or its representatives. Such changes include: exclusion, restriction, removal, or age/grade level changes. Every year, books in the U.S. and around the world are challenged. Some of the challenged books are banned, some aren't. The American Library Association notes, books are usually banned "with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information."

2 Books are usually banned from schools or libraries. Top three reasons why books are banned: 1. Sexually explicit 2. Offensive language 3. Unsuited to any age group The book, My Mom's Having a Baby has been banned from schools because it is inappropriate for children. According to the ALA, 56 percent of book challenges are initiated by parents, while 13 percent come from patrons of bookstores or libraries. Other sources of book bans include administrators, teachers, religious or political organizations and governments. This book is considered inappropriate for children because it explains how babies are made.

3 The book, Dangerously Alice has been banned because of sexual content, and it's offensive to religious views. In the book, Dangerously Alice, there is a scene between the main character, Alice and one of her friends named Tony. During this scene, Tony starts kissing Alice, and it goes into detail about other sexual things he did to her. People might find this offensive to their religious views, because some people believe in marriage before sex. The book, The Hunger Games was banned because of anti-ethnic, anti-family, insensitivity, offensive language, occult/satanic content and violence. This book was even banned from a school, because a parent claimed that it gave her eleven-year-old nightmares and could numb other students to the effects of violence. In the book, The Hunger Games, children from the ages of 12 to 18 are picked to compete in the event called The Hunger Games. There are 12 districts, and one boy and girl are picked from each district. They are forced to kill their opponents until they are the last ones standing.

4 Books Should Not Be Banned!!! Author's should have the right to express their opinions. They should have the right to write what they want. People should have the freedom to read what they want. If people find a book offensive in any way, they have the choice to put down a book and not read it. If parents find a book inappropriate to their child's age group, then they have the choice to not allow their child to read that book. People who find reasons to have books banned, should not take another person's right away to read them.

5 Act Now to Protect Your Rights to Read!!! Here's how you can get involved: Attend and participate in public hearings: by attending hearings, you can speak out in support of free expression and the right to read freely. Write letters to public officials: write to any public official you believe can prevent the suppression of books in your community, and give your opinions as to why books should not be banned. Send a letter or an op-ed article to local news organizations: Make sure you let reporters and editors know there are people against censorship. Participate in Banned Books Week: Each year, libraries, schools and bookstores celebrate the freedom to read. This public event features author visits and readings from banned books, and you can show your support by attending these events. This information was found from Books: Challenged or Banned in 2010- 2011 by Robert P. Doyle from

6 Stop Censorship! - Read Banned Books!!!

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