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Mindset CCSSO & ND Math Leadership Team. Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindset CCSSO & ND Math Leadership Team. Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindset CCSSO & ND Math Leadership Team

2 Welcome

3 Introductions

4 Outcome 1: Understand the characteristics of a growth and fixed mindset. Outcome 2: Understand how mindset impacts student learning. Outcome 3: Adapt instructional practices to promote growth mindset. Outcomes

5 ●Icebreaker ●Mindset Inventory ●Mindsets: What’s it all about ●Feedback ●Wrap up Agenda

6 Ice Breaker

7 ●Math Task 1: Geoboard ○There are 8 ways to divide the Geoboard in half. ○You have 2 minutes to find all 8 ways. ●Math Task 2: Geoboard ○Find triangles with an area of 6 square units. ○Push yourself to find as many as possible.

8 With a partner: Compare your feelings on Situation 1 and Situation 2. How do the expectations of the tasks change your anxiety levels? Why? Debrief on Icebreaker

9 Activity 1 Mindset Inventory

10 Answer the 8 question inventory. Mindset Inventory

11 To Total Your Score:

12 8 48 2818 38 Fixed Mixed Growth Inventory Results

13 Link to Video Growth and Fixed Mindset

14 Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Summary

15 What questions surprised you? What did you learn? What did you discover about yourself through this inventory? Personal Reflection

16 Activity 2 Mindset: What’s it all about

17 Link to Website Resource for Learning

18 Consider your thoughts on: Key Points How does it impact teaching math? How does it impact student learning? Be ready to share out Read: When You Believe in Yourself Your Brain Operates Differently

19 Discuss your thoughts as a table group Key Points How does it impact teaching math? How does it impact student learning? Prepare a group summary on big paper to share out your learning Whole group share out At your tables

20 Your group has 2 minutes to share your key points and impacts with the whole group Sharing your learning

21 Link Jo Boaler Video How to Learn Math

22 Activity 3 Feedback

23 Nine year old Elizabeth was on her way to her first gymnastics meet. Lanky, flexible, and energetic, she was just right for gymnastics and loved it. She was good and felt confident of doing well. Messages About Failure

24 Although she did a nice job, the scoring changed after the first few girls and she lost. She did well in other events, but not well enough to win. By the end Elizabeth had received no ribbons and was devastated. Messages (continued)

25 1)Tell Elizabeth you thought she was the best. 2)Tell her she was robbed of a ribbon that was rightfully hers. 3) Reassure her that gymnastics is not that important. 4)Tell her she has the ability and will surely win next time. 5) Tell her she didn’t deserve to win. Record your answer on a sticky note Share with your partner: What would you say if you were Elizabeth’s parents?

26 With a partner sort the feedback statements into growth or fixed mindset on the template Feedback Sort

27 Review answers with your partner Considering the following questions: Which statements did you identify correctly? Which statements surprise you? Revise the statements that are fixed mindset to growth mindset Be ready to debrief The Solution

28 Which statement is growth mindset? 1)Tell Elizabeth you thought she was the best. 2)Tell her she was robbed of a ribbon that was rightfully hers. 3) Reassure her that gymnastics is not that important. 4)Tell her she has the ability and will surely win next time. 5) Tell her she didn’t deserve to win. How could we improve the growth feeback? Revisit Elizabeth

29 Wrap Up

30 How has your thinking shifted as a result of what you’ve learned about growth mindset? How might this affect your classroom environment and the feedback you give students? Final Reflection

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