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Child Abuse. People with a household income of $15,000 or less are twice as likely to abuse their children. Lack of knowledge about child development.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Abuse. People with a household income of $15,000 or less are twice as likely to abuse their children. Lack of knowledge about child development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Abuse

2 People with a household income of $15,000 or less are twice as likely to abuse their children. Lack of knowledge about child development can contribute to abuse because parents have unrealistic expectations about child growth. Marital conflict that involves Domestic Violence people that are consumed with high levels of stress What type of people Abuse Children?

3 They were once abused when they were children They would rather be an “ In- control abuser” rather than a “ Out-of-control victim”. When they abuse children they feel like their in control of situations that give them power. When they over indulge in alcohol or use drugs their more likely to let their anger get the best of them, and become very aggressive and physically strike out their partner or their children. Why do people abuse Children?

4 Mental/ Bullying by parents or relatives Some parents will deliberately keep their kids awake at night, destroy or prevent them from doing their home work, destroy or take away their toys for prolonged lengths of time for no reason, lock them in rooms or exclude them, not feed them properly, make them do excessive or unreasonable chores, humiliation tactics, give them alcohol or drugs to ‘shut them up’ etc... What is the Most Common Form of Child Abuse?

5 Tragically, it happens most often at home and usually the child knows the abuser. Generally, the abuser is a caretaker. A caretaker can be a parent, stepparent, relative or baby-sitter. Where Does it Usually Occur?

6 The Childs age: The younger the child's age when the abuse happen, the more sever the damage is. The abuser: The closer the abuser to the child the more complicated the situation becomes. It depends on the level of trust the child used to give the abuser. They will struggle with Guilt, Violation, Loss of Control, Lowered Self-esteem How Does This Affect the Victims?

7 Factors include the state where the abuse took place, the age of the child, whether the offense involved sexual abuse, whether the child was physically or mentally injured, and the criminal history of the offender. Consequences/ Penalties ■ Lifetime requirement to register as a child sexual offender ■ Termination of parental rights ■ Ruined reputation ■ Criminal record ■ Supervised access to the child ■ Physical or actual loss and enjoyment of a child ■ Continual involvement with a child protective services agency Consequences for Abusers

8 84 percent of prison inmates were abused as children. One in three girls and one in five boys are sexually abused by an adult at some time during childhood. Families with four or more children have higher rates of abuse and neglect, especially if their living conditions are crowded or they live in isolated areas. One in thirteen kids with a parent on drugs is physically abused regularly. (Drug and alcohol abuse in the family makes child abuse about twice as likely.) Facts About Child Abuse

9 Deviance: Departing from usual or accepted standards. The reason why child abuse is considered especially heinous is because it is being done to a young and vulnerable child who in most cases cant fight off the act being done to them. People cant understand how anyone in their right mind can treat a child with such aggression and ignorance. Also sense child abuse comes with heavy consequences, it’s a direct correlation of deviance. How This relates to Deviance

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