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The Italian School System. In Italy everyone must attend school for ten years, until 15 years of age. Not compulsory education Compulsory educationNot.

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Presentation on theme: "The Italian School System. In Italy everyone must attend school for ten years, until 15 years of age. Not compulsory education Compulsory educationNot."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Italian School System

2 In Italy everyone must attend school for ten years, until 15 years of age. Not compulsory education Compulsory educationNot compulsory education Infant School (3 years) Primary School (5 years) Junior High School (3 years) 2 years High School Technical Institute Professional Institute 3 years High School Technical Institute Professional Institute

3 Pre-School not compulsory Children from 3 to 5 years can attend Kindergartens or Infant schools. There are state and private kindergartens. Frequency is not compulsory but it is highly recommended

4 Compulsory school Age 6 - 11 11-1414 - 16 Primary School Junior High School State examination: First degree High School Technical Institute Professional Institute

5 Not compulsory education High School Technical School Professional School Occupational Training State examination: diploma You can start working or enrol at University Qualification only for working

6 Compulsory school subjects Italian language and culture History Geography English Maths Science Music Art P.E. Religion/another subject chosen by the school

7 Other Compulsory school subjects Only in Junior High School: French/Spanish/German Technics

8 School times Infant School: 5 days from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m Primary School: Either 6 days from Monday to Saturday (27 hour lessons), that is 6 mornings and 1 afternoon Or 5 days from Monday to Friday (40 hour lessons), that is 5 mornings and 5 afternoons.

9 Junior High School At least 30 hour lessons a week. It is possible to have laboratories or special activities in the afternoon.

10 State examination at the end of J.H.S. Written tests of Italian, Maths, English, second foreign language prepared by the school. INVALSI test (Italian and Maths) sent by the Ministery of Education all over Italy Oral examination on all the subjects studied in the last class.

11 Evaluation Compulsory School has to evaluate the results using marks from 1(very poor) to 10 (exellent). 6 is the threshold level of acceptability. Generally, teachers use marks from 4 to 10. Pupils are evaluated at the end of the first term and at the end of the school year. Their school success depends not only on the marks, but also on their behaviour, progress, attitudes.

12 What is a Comprehensive School in Italy? It is a school which includes pupils from 3 to 14 years old. Our School is called Domenico Matteucci and it includes: 2 kindergartens: Giardino dei Sogni and Il Girasole. 13 classes altogether. 2 Primary schools: Tolosano and Pirazzini. 25 classes altogether

13 A Junior High School: Cova-Lanzoni with 15 classes. In the current school year there are 1.179 pupils and 117 teachers

14 Our motto Our motto Le Radici e il Volo "Toute idée, humaine ou divine, Qui prend le passé pour racine A pour feuillage l'avenir." (V. Hugo, Les Rayons et les ombres) "Ogni idea, umana o divina, Che prende il passato per radice Ha per fogliame l’avvenire."

15 The meaning of our motto From tradition to innovation. From the past jumping into the future

16 Strong Points of our school Continuous relationship and cooperation among teachers of the different school levels. Vertical projects (Art, Music, Choir, Theatre, Science, etc). Motivation of teachers and pupils. Interest in culture and new technologies.

17 Who was Domenico Matteucci? He was a famous artist living in Faenza, just opposite our Junior High School. His ceramics panels are famous all over the world. In December 2010 this school was named Domenico Matteucci, after a poll among teachers and parents.

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