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ACADEMIC VOCABULARY 7 th Grade ELA. composition Piece of writing.

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Presentation on theme: "ACADEMIC VOCABULARY 7 th Grade ELA. composition Piece of writing."— Presentation transcript:


2 composition Piece of writing

3 clarify To make something clearer

4 audience Author’s readership; who the writing is intended to be for

5 conceptual/concept Thought or imagined; a way of doing or perceiving something

6 correspond Consistent; to be similar Or to write to one another

7 analyze Study something closely; break something down into components; examine structure

8 categorize To put something into a category; to sort or group by similarities

9 function Purpose or role; role of a word or phrase

10 evidence Demonstrate or prove

11 exposure Contact with something; publicity

12 complexity Difficulty; complicated

13 figurative Not literal; representational

14 alternate Every other, or serving as backup

15 collaborate To work together

16 format Structure; data organization

17 inconsistencies Irregularities or contradictions

18 implement To carry out or fulfill something

19 influence Effect on something; power to sway

20 elaborate Give more detail about something

21 cite To quote something or somebody

22 nuance Subtle differences

23 interact Act on each other; work together

24 mature Fully developed; adult

25 synthesize Combine parts into a whole; put together

26 concise Short and clearly written or stated

27 mood The way a reader feels when reading a piece of literature; state of mind

28 segment A part or piece of something

29 literary Relating to literature

30 structure The way a text is organized

31 technical Belonging to a specialized area Strictly interpreted

32 valid Effective; justifiable

33 embellish Add false details to something

34 manipulate To falsify something

35 medium Means of mass communication; vehicle for ideas

36 tone The author’s attitude toward his/her subject

37 explicit Clear and obvious

38 unique special; only one; distinctive

39 explanatory Explaining something; descriptive

40 relevant Pertinent; suitable; applicable

41 connotation Implied additional meaning of a word

42 denotation Dictionary definition of a word

43 inference Conclusion; interpretation

44 evaluate Examine and judge something

45 Point of view Perspective from which the story is told

46 paraphrase Rephrase and simplify

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