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TKAM Vocabulary Review. Even though the mob had formed to harm Tom Robinson, they still respected Atticus as a ------- man and used hushed voices when.

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Presentation on theme: "TKAM Vocabulary Review. Even though the mob had formed to harm Tom Robinson, they still respected Atticus as a ------- man and used hushed voices when."— Presentation transcript:

1 TKAM Vocabulary Review

2 Even though the mob had formed to harm Tom Robinson, they still respected Atticus as a ------- man and used hushed voices when Atticus told them to.

3 Answer: Venerable

4 Jem and Dill were not fond of the ------- Atticus had proclaimed to them which would not allow them to act out plays about Boo Radley anymore.

5 Answer: tenet

6 Although unhappy about it, the children ------- to Atticus’ request that they stop trying to make Boo Radley come out.

7 Answer: acquiesced

8 The mob formed on the street, using ------- words that threatened the children. “I’ll send him home” said one of the men, physically attacking Jem (Lee 203).

9 Answer: acrimonious

10 Atticus always dealt with the children in a very calm and ------- manner, even when the children had done something really bad.

11 Answer: tactful

12 The request from the mob was stated -------; they simply asked Atticus to leave.

13 Answer: succinctly

14 Dill stood with his arms --------- when he first met Jem and Scout as he proudly told them he had won a beautiful baby contest.

15 Answer: akimbo

16 Scout is known in the schoolyard as one who will easily get into an ------- with another student, especially if one of her family members is disrespected.

17 Answer: altercation

18 In chapter 11, the reader gets to immerse themselves in Mrs. Dubose’s epic battle with her ------- drug use.

19 Answer: chronic

20 One could imagine the faces of the men in the mob as they ------- angrily at Scout after she kicked one of them.

21 Answer: Sneered

22 Because he’s a drunk, Bob Ewell’s -- ----- is questioned by Atticus during the trial, leading the reader to believe that Bob Ewell is not telling the truth on the stand.

23 Answer: credibility

24 Aunt Alexandra hopes that her presence will help ------- to Scout what being a proper Southern lady is all about.

25 Answer: elucidate

26 Women like Aunt Alexandra do not -- ----- to do housework; that’s the maid’s job.

27 Answer: deign

28 Scout does not like to wear dresses because the stiff material ------- her ability to run and play with the boys.

29 Answer: encumbers

30 Before she got in trouble for it, Scout looked at Miss Caroline with ------- when the class was asked who could read and write.

31 Answer: smugness

32 The children made numerous -------- attempts to get Boo Radley to come out because they didn’t want to get caught.

33 Answer: furtive

34 Atticus tried to ------- the fears of the first group of men who came to visit him by telling them the men from Old Sarum wouldn’t be drunk because they would be in church all day.

35 Answer: mollify

36 Scout doesn’t have any ------- about fighting when it comes down to protecting her family; she’ll even kick grown men!

37 Answer: qualms

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