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Special Senses The Ear Roark Med Terms Byron Nelson High School.

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1 Special Senses The Ear Roark Med Terms Byron Nelson High School

2 The sense of hearing Enhances one’s _____. Makes communication easier The structure of the ear is divided into _____ separate regions

3 Major Divisions of the Ear Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear VIII Cranial Nerve Brain

4 Outer Ear A.Sound waves enter the ear through the _________, or auricle, which is the projecting part or flap of the ear B.The external auditory meatus (auditory canal) leads from the pinna and is lined with numerous glands that secrete a yellowish brown, waxy substance called _________, which lubricates and protects the ear

5 Pinna

6 External Ear Care Hazardous to health: Ear candling _________ Foreign objects

7 Question What is the purpose of the pinna? A. Cosmetics B. Sound collector C. Same side localization D. A and B E. A, B and C

8 Question Another name for pinna? A. External auditory meatus B. External auditory canal C. Ear lobe D. Auricle E. None of the above

9 Function of Outer Ear Collect ______ Localization Resonator ___________ Sensitive (earlobe) Other?

10 Middle Ear A.Sound waves travel through the auditory canal and strike a _________, or eardrum B.As the eardrum vibrates, it moves three small bones or __________ – i. Malleus – ii. Incus – iii. Stapes

11 C. Middle Ear i.A ______ leading from the middle ear to the pharynx ii.It is normally closed, but opens on _____________ to equalize pressure


13 Middle Ear A.Sound waves travel through the auditory _________ and strike a membrane, or eardrum B.As the eardrum vibrates, it moves three small bones or _________ – i. Malleus – ii. Incus – iii. Stapes

14 C. Middle Ear i.Eustachean Tube- A canal leading from the middle ear to the pharynx. ii.It is normally closed, but opens on ___________ to equalize pressure

15 Function of Middle Ear ____________ –Conduct sound from the outer ear to the inner ear ______________ –Creates a barrier that protects the middle and inner areas from foreign objects –Middle ear muscles may provide protection from loud sounds _____________ –Converts acoustic energy to mechanical energy –Converts mechanical energy to hydraulic energy ____________ –Transformer action of the middle ear –only about 1/1000 of the acoustic energy in air would be transmitted to the inner-ear fluids (about 30 dB hearing loss)

16 Tympanic Membrane The eardrum separates the outer ear from the middle ear Creates a ____________ that protects the middle and inner areas from foreign objects Cone-shaped in appearance –about 17.5 mm in diameter The eardrum ____________ in response to sound pressure waves. The membrane movement is incredibly small –as little as one-billionth of a centimeter

17 Eustachian Tube The eustachian tube connects the front wall of the middle ear with the _____pharynx The eustachian tube also operates like a valve, which opens during swallowing and _________ –This equalizes the pressure on either side of the eardrum, which is necessary for optimal hearing. –Without this function, a difference between the static pressure in the middle ear and the outside pressure may develop, causing the eardrum to displace inward or outward This reduces the efficiency of the middle ear and less acoustic energy will be transmitted to the inner ear.

18 Ossicles Malleus (________) Incus (____) Stapes (________) smallest bone of the body

19 Middle Ear The function of the middle ear is to? A. Cause middle ear infections in young children B.Amplify sounds C.Interpret sounds D.Analyze sounds E.None of the above

20 Middle Ear The Eustachian tube is a part of the middle ear? A.No, it is a part of the inner ear B.No, it isn’t part of the hearing mechanism C.Yes D.I don’t know

21 Inner Ear Sound vibrations reach the inner ear via the fluctuation of the _______ window that separates the middle and inner ears Sometimes called the ________

22 c. Cochlea i.Contains special auditory liquids through which the vibrations travel (____lymph and ______lymph) ii.Organ of Corti: sensitive auditory receptor iii.Auditory nerve fibers end in the auditory cent of the cerebral cortex, where impulse are interpreted and “_________”

23 Equilibrium a.The ear is an important organ of equilibrium (________) b.Vestibule connects the cochlea (for hearing) to three semicircular canals for balance

24 Function of Inner Ear Convert mechanical sound waves to ______ impulses that can be recognized by the brain for: –Hearing –Balance

25 Pathway of sound vibrations Pinna External auditory canal _______ ear Tympanic membrane Malleus Incus ________ ear Stapes Cochlea Organ of Corti ______ Ear Auditory nerve fibers Cerebral cortex Brain

26 Question The function of the inner ear: A.Balance B.Hearing C.Touch D.All the above E.A and B

27 Combining forms Acoust/o Audi/o Audit/o Aur/o, Ausicul/o Cochle/o Mastiod/o Myring/o Ossicul/o Ot/o Salping/o Ear Hearing ________ __________ Mastoid process __________ membrane Ossicle Ear ____

28 Combining Forms Staped/o Tympan/o Vestibul/o SUFFIXES - acusis, -cusis -meter Otia Stapes _______ Membrane Vestibule _________ Instrument to ______ Ear condition

29 Abbreviations AD – AOM – AS – EENT- ENG –Electronystagmography ENT –Ears, Nose, Throat ETD – Eustachian tube dysfunction HEENT – Head Ears Eyes Nose Throat PE Tube – Pressure equalizing tube SOM – Serious Otitis Media _____ Ear Acute _____ Media ___ Ear Eyes, Ears, Nose Throat

30 Acoustic Neuroma Pathology Benign ______ arising from the acoustic vestibulocochlear nerve in the brain directly influences your balance and hearing, can cause – hearing loss, – ringing in your ear and – __________ usually grows slowly or not at all- in a few cases, it may grow rapidly and become large enough to press against the ______ and interfere with vital functions

31 Cholesteatoma Collection of ____ cells and cholesterol in a sac within the middle ear.

32 Ear Conditions Audio_______ – specialist in the study of hearing impairments Audiogram – recording of hearing measurement ______ deafness- Sensorineural hearing loss; results from impairment of the cochlea or auditory nerve Conductive __________- Hearing loss resulting from impairment of the middle ear ossicles and membranes transmitting sound waves into the cochlea.

33 Ménière disease - Disorder of the labyrinth of the ______ ear elevated endolymph pressure within the cochlea and semicircular canals. Otitis _____ - Inflammation of the middle ear. Oto____osis - Hardening of the bony tissue of the middle ear. Tinnitus - Sensation of noises (_______), buzzing,) in the ears. Vertigo - Sensation of irregular or whirling motion either of oneself or of external objects

34 Clinical Proceedures Audiometry- Testing the sense of ________. Cochlear implant procedure- Surgical insertion of a device that allows sensorineural hearing- impaired persons to ______ sound. Ear thermometry- Measurement of the temperature of the __________membrane by detection of infrared radiation from the eardrum. Otoscopy- Visual ________ of the ear canal within otoscope. Tuning fork test- Test of ear conduction using a vibration source such as a _______fork

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