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I. Review of FY12 and FY13 expenditures; and II. Review AH Plan/CAHAB and recommendations for implementation; and III. Craft budget recommendations in.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Review of FY12 and FY13 expenditures; and II. Review AH Plan/CAHAB and recommendations for implementation; and III. Craft budget recommendations in."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Review of FY12 and FY13 expenditures; and II. Review AH Plan/CAHAB and recommendations for implementation; and III. Craft budget recommendations in support of CAHAB objectives and AH Plan implementation CAHAB FY 2014 Budget recommendations

2 Affordable/Workforce Housing FY12/FY13 Expenditures FY 12 $30,000 Affordable Housing Study and Plan (CDBG PI) $40,000 Road to Home (Community Housing) $14,400 HRDC Community Development (CDBG PI) $48,600 WMMH (Big Box) FY 13 (to date) $40,000 Road to Home (Community Housing) $14,400 HRDC Community Development (CDBG PI)

3 In FYs 12 and 13 we…. Completed the City’s first affordable housing needs assessment and affordable housing plan in 10 years; Began implementation of the adopted affordable housing plan; Created a City process for reviewing and supporting Low Income Housing Tax Credit Applications; Supported the creation of 6 units of permanently affordable rental housing for very-low income households for Western Montana Mental Health; Supported applications for LIHTC projects proposing 53 new units (1 project, providing 11 units was funded); Reviewed and advised City Commission regarding PUD amendments for previous affordable housing requirements; Crafted recommendations for affordable housing incentives; Reviewed proposed impact fees as related to affordable housing; Met with potential developers of affordable housing (Staff) to facilitate development/rehabilitation/preservation of affordable housing in community; and, Facilitated meetings with current owners of affordable housing to preserve units in the community, particularly in mobile home parks.

4 In FY 14 we want to ….. Expand and increase CAHAB outreach, activities and programs; Expand and improve outreach to affordable housing developers and property owners; Continue implementation of Affordable Housing Plan; Update rental study; Support development of 40 future LIHTC units; Support development of rental units/resources for very-low income households; Continue support for programs providing assistance to first-time homebuyers; Support development of affordable properties for households seeking homeownership; Support preservation of mobile home parks; Provide information to potential developers of affordable housing to facilitate new development and preservation of existing units; Support HAVEN to expand capacity; and Continue efforts to identify and implement incentives for the development/rehab/preservation of affordable housing.

5 Affordable Housing Plan Priorities and Recommendations 1. Increase & preserve affordable housing supply 2. Consider amendments to city regulations 3. Assure financial and organizational capacity 4. Share crucial market data; report on progress Following are the action items Numeric goals are for 2012-2016 (five years)

6 1. Increase & preserve supply 1.Build and sell 25 affordable homes (nonprofits) 2.Build and sell low-market-rate homes (builders) 3.Increase assistance to homebuyers - Counseling for 750, 2 nd mortgages for 100 4.Build and rent 200 subsidized apartments 5.Renovate and add to special needs housing 6.Repair existing affordable homes - 25 complete repairs, 25 partial repairs, 400 weatherizations 7.Encourage energy efficient construction/repairs

7 2. Review/change regulations 1.Continue suspension of inclusionary zoning - done 2.Defer or subsidize impact fees for some homes – new IF structure 3.Allow smaller lots – flexibility with dimensions – in process 4.Allow more flexibility in re-platting subdivisions – in process 5.Review requirements for accessory units – in process 6.Clarify zoning status of group homes – planning dept 7.Review ordinances RE: mobile home parks – planning, HRDC 8.Investigate ways to reduce cost impact of open space requirements – CAHAB recommendation

8 3. Increase financial and organizational capacity 1.Maximize access to federal funds – HAVEN sponsorship, LIHTC support 2.Use workforce housing fund efficiently 3.Build capacity of local nonprofits – HAVEN, GGHAC

9 4. Share crucial data and track progress 1.Follow new protocols for updating income and price targets 2.Obtain and share rental market data – update in FY14 3.Publish annual reports on work plan progress versus goals – in process

10 Eligible Activities and Funding Criteria (Affordable Housing Plan, Appendix B) Rental Projects serving extremely low-income renters and/or special needs clients (up to $20,000/unit) Home purchase assistance (up to $10,000/unit) Pre-purchase counseling program (up to $40,000/year) Emergency housing repairs by volunteer groups (up to $1,000/home); other emergency repairs up to $7,500/home Coordination of CAHAB and housing plan monitoring (up to $50,000/year) Subsidies of development-related fees ($ amount not identified)

11 FY 14 Proposed Budget for Affordable/Workforce Housing Proposals/Contracts to Date: $40,000 Road to Home for support of Homeownership Center $14,400 Contract with HRDC for administration of affordable housing programs Potential Projects: HRDC: Assist with the purchase and preservation of mobile home park Other items to consider: Updates to rental survey, approximate cost: $5,000 Other projects in support of housing plan

12 FY 14 Affordable/Workforce Housing Budget Proposed Funding Sources Continue to fund ongoing housing operations for Road to Home and contract administration in the proposed amount of $54,400 ($40,000 from Community Housing Fund and $14,400 from CDBG PI); Increase the number of Mills currently levied from approximately.5 mills to 1mill to support expansion of activities The value of one mill is $86,226; In 2012, City residents living in the median residential home paid approximately $3.71 for each mill levied. The same home would expect the following increases if additional revenue was raised through mills to fund affordable housing: 1/2 Mill increase = $1.85 Utilize remaining Big Box balance and a portion of Community Housing fund balance to support new projects Consider a mechanism for the funding of major affordable housing expenditures

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