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SYSTOLIC FUNCTION LOLITA BLAY. The ability of the heart to contract properly and pump blood is determined by its level of systolic function. 

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2 The ability of the heart to contract properly and pump blood is determined by its level of systolic function. 

3 The Systolic function of the LV strictly depends on a set of various factors, such as contractility of the LV, preload, afterload, Wall Motion movements and abnormalities if any are noted. Ejection Fraction is the best indicator of LV systolic function. EF= End-diastolic volume – End-systolic volume End diastolic volume


5 ((Fragment 1. Baker, D. W. (1994))

6 eyeball method Using the “eyeball” method, what do you think the ejection fraction of the video image is?


8 Degree of LV Systolic dysfunction is a major prognostic factor in cardiac disease as CMO, valvular heart disease, CHF.

9 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE  Characterized by EF < 45%  Caused by dysfunction of myocytes  Compensatory mechanisms of increased contractility and SV wears on the heart leading to decreased CO  The LV can’t pump enough blood into the body and fluid builds up in the lungs  Results in CHF

10 DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY  LV wall thickness is reduced  Heart muscle becomes thin, week, and cannot pump blood efficiently  This leads to reduced EF and symptoms of heart failure

11 o The fundamental goals of drug therapy for DCM and CHF are to relieve symptoms, improve functional status, prevent disease progression, and reduce the rates of morbidity and mortality. Combination of diuretics and vasodilators help to reduce fluid retention and improves survival in patients with impaired LV systolic function. Patient education on lifestyle modifications should include smoking cessation, low-fat and low-sodium diet, physical activity, abstinence from alcohol, and restriction of fluid intake.

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