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Graphing Pictures on the Coordinate Plane (Using a Spreadsheet)

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing Pictures on the Coordinate Plane (Using a Spreadsheet)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing Pictures on the Coordinate Plane (Using a Spreadsheet)

2 Go to Microsoft Paint

3 From the Edit menu select Paste From...

4 Select the picture you want to draw and click on Open.


6 Click on Start and bring up MS Word.

7 From the Table menu select Insert.

8 Try 35 columns and 30 rows.

9 From the View menu select Zoom.

10 Try 170%.

11 The idea is to fill your screen with the grid... before you type Print Screen on the keyboard... which places your grid on the clipboard.

12 Restore Microsoft Paint

13 Deselect Draw Opaque from the Image menu.

14 Select Paste from the Edit menu.




18 Highlight points with integral coordinates, i.e., are at gridline intersections.

19 Open a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Works

20 Enter the coordinates of the gridded picture. -5-9 -5 -4-2 -40 -52 -63 -7 3

21 -5-9 -5 -4-2 -40 -52 -63 -7 3 Highlight the coordinates.

22 From the Tools Menu... Select Create New Chart

23 Select X-Y Scatter Chart Type

24 From the Format Menu...

25 Select Shading and Color.

26 Select a solid Line Style.

27 Select Format and your points connect.

28 Adjusting coordinates... will yield better results.

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