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Tuberculosis and HIV-AIDS: Achievements with ARV access Dr. Humberto Costa, MD Minister of Health, Brazil.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuberculosis and HIV-AIDS: Achievements with ARV access Dr. Humberto Costa, MD Minister of Health, Brazil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuberculosis and HIV-AIDS: Achievements with ARV access Dr. Humberto Costa, MD Minister of Health, Brazil

2 AIDS - Trends in morbidity and mortality 808283848586878889909192939495969798990001 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 MortalityIncidence andmortalityrates-AIDS (100,000population).Brazil, 1980-2001. Estimatedincidence-1999–2001 Source:PN-DST-AIDS/-SVS-MOH Rate per 100,000 pop

3 Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy Policy (1996-2002) Reduced Mortality  50% 90,000 deaths avoided. Reduced Morbidity  70% Reduced Hospital Admissions  80%  358,000 admissions avoided – average hospital admissions/patients per year declined from 1.65 in 1996 to 0.28 in 2001) Cost Savings  US$ 2.2 billion US$ 1.23 billion in hospitals and treatment opportunistic infections. US$ 960 million reduction in drug prices.

4 * Preliminary data MOH, 2003 Patient/Year - Brazil, 1996 - 2002* 3810 4860 4540 4240 3320 2223 2035 1996199719981999200020012002* Average Cost (US$) of ARV Therapy by

5 Nat. Incidence rate - 48.4/100,000 –Highest incidence rate: Rio de Janeiro: 92/100,000 Reported cases = 92,472 –62% in 5 states; 70% in 236 cities (4%) –Detection rate – 74% –Cure rate – 72% –DOTS (%pop) – 25% Tuberculosis – Burden and inequalities

6 Impact of Infection Hiv - Tb Infection Tb and Hiv is one main component of the National Plan for Tuberculosis Control (2004)

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