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Constructive or Destructive Family Communications?

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Presentation on theme: "Constructive or Destructive Family Communications?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructive or Destructive Family Communications?

2 In what ways do families communicate using technology? Text Messaging Email Facebook/My Space Video Chatting Cell Phones Written Communication

3 Text Messaging ConstructiveDestructive May save the family more money. Often times texts are cheaper than paying for or adding more minutes. Texts can be misread. Sometimes the full intent of the message cannot be fully judged.

4 Email ConstructiveDestructive Gives you the ability to write out complete thoughts and reflect over what you are saying before sending the message. Avoiding confrontation when in all reality two people need to talk face-to- face.

5 Facebook/My Space ConstructiveDestructive Keeping in touch with family members who might also have one of these sites. Accepting friends who might post negative things on your wall or page, and this reflecting poorly upon your character.

6 Video Chatting ConstructiveDestructive Keeping in touch with family members who may live far away. Being able to see them while talking to them. Chatting with people you don’t know.

7 Cell Phones ConstructiveDestructive Cell phones can aid in case of an emergency. Family members could contact each other. Cell phone plans cost a lot of money.

8 Written Communication ConstructiveDestructive Have more time to think thoughts out before sending a message. Takes more time to write things out.

9 Scenarios 1.You just realized it’s your cousin’s birthday. You want to send her birthday greetings, but she lives three states away. 2. Regina thinks she has gone into labor, and her husband, Coby, is out of town on a business trip.

10 Scenarios Continued 3. You stayed too long at your friend’s house after school, and you are late for dinner. The whole family is waiting on you to start. 4. Mary and Seth live in New York and have been married two years. They just found out they are pregnant and want to tell their parents face-to-face, but won’t be traveling home for another six months.

11 Scenarios Continued 5. You were just crowned homecoming queen. You would like to show your cousin pictures of you on the football field and at the dance, but he goes to a different school.

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