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Aim: Scientific and Technological Achievements HRBS Visualizing Global History Mr. Oberhaus Regents Review Unit 6 Section 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Scientific and Technological Achievements HRBS Visualizing Global History Mr. Oberhaus Regents Review Unit 6 Section 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Scientific and Technological Achievements HRBS Visualizing Global History Mr. Oberhaus Regents Review Unit 6 Section 1

2 Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 Showed the link between germs and disease Showed that killing germs stopped the spread of disease Discovered the method that stopped milk and wine from causing sickness; known as Pasteurization

3 Robert Koch 1843-1910 Discovered the bacteria that caused Tuberculosis He worked to develop a cure for Tuberculosis With Pasteur he formed the Germ Theory which allowed people to learn to keep themselves cleaner and healthier

4 Joseph Lister 1827-1912 Discovered that even minor surgery could cause infection and death in patients He put forth the idea to use antiseptics to sterilize the hands of surgeons, the tools used during the surgery, and the wounds themselves. This greatly reduced the number of hospital deaths

5 Alexander Fleming 1881-1955 Discovered that a mold called Penicillin killed germs This discovery led to the invention of antibiotics Antibiotics would become widely popular in the 1940s.

6 Thomas Edison 1847-1931 An American inventor who developed the first light bulb after Alessandro Volta and Michael Faraday discovered electricity Edison is the fourth most prolific inventory in history; he holds 1,093 US Patents and hold others in Britain, France, and Germany

7 Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Patented the Telephone in 1876 The machine changed human human voice into electrical impulses and then sent them through a wire which then turned it back into sound at the other end of the wire

8 Guglielmo Marconi 1874-1937 1895- Radio signals were sent through the air in Morse Code 1906- The first human voice transmitted over the air

9 Nikolaus Otto 1832-1891 Developed a gasoline powered internal combustion engine which led to the discovery of the automobile

10 Gottleib Daimler 1834-1900 Used Otto’s engine to power the first automobile By 1900, thousands of automobiles were on the roads of Europe and North America

11 Henry Ford 1863-1947 Founder of the Ford Motor Company Developed the assembly line which allowed for mass production of the automobile

12 Orville Wright 1871-1948Wilbur Wright 1867-1912 In 1903, the Wright brothers used Otto’s combustion engine to make an airplane.

13 Marie Curie 1867-1934 While experimenting with radioactivity she discovered radium and polonium which is used in energy production, medicine, and military technology

14 Albert Einstein 1879-1955 German scientist and Professor who left Germany in 1933 and became a US citizen in 1940 Was placed in charge of the Manhattan Project which was the development of the Nuclear Bomb for the US Also discovered the theory of Relativity which states that space and time measurements are not absolute

15 Sigmund Freud 1856-1939 Believed that the “unconscious” part of the brain drives most human behavior He believed that tension between the unconscious and the reality of civilized society cause psychological and physical illness Discovered psychoanalysis theory which led to new ways to think about and treat mental illness

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