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WJEC English GCSE. JUST DO IT! Do as you’re told! The instructions are there to guide you. READ them and FOLLOW them!  Answer ALL questions  4 questions.

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Presentation on theme: "WJEC English GCSE. JUST DO IT! Do as you’re told! The instructions are there to guide you. READ them and FOLLOW them!  Answer ALL questions  4 questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 WJEC English GCSE


3 JUST DO IT! Do as you’re told! The instructions are there to guide you. READ them and FOLLOW them!  Answer ALL questions  4 questions in 1 hour  Usually 10 marks per question  = 15mins per question  = 3-4 mins to read  & 10-12 mins to write answer

4 JUST DO IT! Do as you’re told! The instructions are there to guide you. READ them and FOLLOW them!  Answer ALL questions  4 questions in 1 hour  Usually 10 marks per question = 15 mins per question = 3-4 mins to read & 10-12 mins to write answer SOMETIMES There will be FIVE questions IN ONE HOUR!!! Two 5 mark questions & Three 10 mark questions… Since 5 is half of 10 – you spend half as long answering a 5 mark question as a 10 mark question 5 mark question = 7-8 mins TOPS 2 mins to read and 5 mins to answer

5 Magic formula for success? READ the QUESTION and ANSWER IT!  You have 2 pieces to read  ALWAYS read with a question in mind – don’t waste time reading over everything first And the good news??? There are only 5 types of questions!!!

6 Just 5 types Information retrieval these are SEARCH AND FIND questions Typically they ask:  Explain how and/or why (or What explanations/reasons are given...?)  What evidence is does the writer/text use...?

7 Just 5 types Information retrieval these are SEARCH AND FIND questions Typically they ask:  Explain how and/or why (or What explanations/reasons are given...?)  What evidence is does the writer/text use...? Look for facts & figures & examples Find reasons or explanations in text Be QUICK & THOROUGH and STICK to the POINT

8 Information retrieval questions SAY IT NAIL IT MOVE ON ONLY use bullet points if it tells you to and MAKE sure they make sense!

9 Just 5 types Impressions Typically they ask:  What impressions do you get of the writer OR a place OR an organisation OR people?

10 Just 5 types Impressions Typically they ask:  What impressions do you get of the writer OR a place OR an organisation OR people? In other words – what’s it/he/she LIKE???

11 Questions about the ‘impressions’ you get from reading If I ask: what impression do you get about something, I am asking What’s it LIKE? GIVE the impression THEN give the evidence from the text Be PRECISE when giving evidence from the text DON’T just copy big chunks from the text REMEMBER Impressions can be positive or negative or mixed

12 Viewpoint & Attitude Typically they ask:  What are the writer’s attitudes to...?  What are the writer’s opinions of...?  What are the writer’s thoughts and feelings OR views about...? Just 5 types

13 Viewpoint & Attitude Typically they ask:  What are the writer’s attitudes to...?  What are the writer’s opinions of...?  What are the writer’s thoughts and feelings OR views about...? Just 5 types Least likely to ask this! This is my FAVOURITE! But they MUST answer in the THIRD person

14 Questions about the writer’s view points and attitudes If I ask what the writer thinks and feels DON’T say ‘I think …’ You must use second person – he/she thinks and feels

15 Just 5 types Analysis of persuasive technique Typically they ask:  How does the writer try to encourage OR interest OR argue...?  How does this text try to persuade OR show OR sell OR influence...?

16 Just 5 types Analysis of persuasive technique Typically they ask:  How does the writer try to encourage OR interest OR argue...?  How does this text try to persuade OR show OR sell OR influence...? I ALWAYS ask one of these on the Higher paper

17 Analysing the persuasive techniques used by writers DON’T say – it makes you want to read on! DON’T list tricks like short/long sentences unless you can talk meaningfully about their impact Talk about WHAT the writer says, HOW he/she says it and the IMPACT on the reader

18 Just 5 types Comparison of text Typically they ask:  Compare and contrast these texts.  Using information from both texts, explain why OR what you learn...

19 Just 5 types Comparison of text Typically they ask:  Compare and contrast these texts.  Using information from both texts, explain why OR what you learn... This is my FAVOURITE FAVOURITE question type

20 Comparing texts DO one text THEN the next You MUST say clearly WHICH text you are dealing with Remember to follow the bullet points in the question when you answer

21 ALWAYS…  TIMINGS are essential  Follow instructions – JUST DO as you are TOLD  READ the questions THEN read the text as directed  TRACK the text – finding points as you go along  Highlighter pens are really useful  Use the words of the question in your answer

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