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Aggressors Invade Nations 15.4 Setting the Stage Germany, Italy + Japan became imperial powers (illegally) League of Nations stood back and watched…

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2 Aggressors Invade Nations 15.4

3 Setting the Stage Germany, Italy + Japan became imperial powers (illegally) League of Nations stood back and watched…

4 1920s Japan 1920s Japan: Increased democracy + peaceful change –Signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact The Japanese gov’t: –Reduced size of military –Universal male suffrage –Legalized unions –Allowed for several political parties All ended w/ the Great Depression Military leaders were answerable only to the emperor…

5 Militarists Take Control of Japan Many Japanese blamed their gov’t for the G.D. ∴ military leaders gained support + control of the country quickly –Still allowed Emperor Hirohito to be head of state

6 Japan Seeks an Empire 1930s: Military directed civilian (citizens) and military policy for Japan –Did not become totalitarian b/c no leader like Hitler or Stalin Military leaders argued the solution to depression was imperial expansion thru Asia –Access to space for growing Japanese population, natural resources + new mkts.

7 Japan Invades Manchuria 1931: Japan attacks Manchuria + established a puppet state –Japan dictated its domestic and foreign policies + controlled its natural resources This was 1 st direct attack on League of Nations (LON) –LON protested Japan’s takeover of Manchuria –Japan leaves LON in 1933

8 Japan Invades China 1937: Japan attacks China –China had 1 million+ forces (led by Jiang Jieshi aka Chang Kai-Shek) but were no match –Japan gained control of major Chinese railroad lines + coastal areas/ports

9 Japan Invades China “Rape of Nanking” in Nanjing, China  (old capital of China) Japanese soldiers kill 200,000 Chinese and burn the city China also facing Communists guerilla fighters led by Mao Zedong.


11 Japanese Imperialism Video IEcpClw IEcpClw

12 European Aggressors on the March The failure of the LON in intervening in Japanese aggression encouraged Fascist dictators to do the same...

13 Weaknesses of the League of Nations L.O.N. weak b/c America never joined Also, no means of enforcement –No army to enforce its judgments Members of the L.O.N. were all dealing w/ Depression in their own countries When tested  L.O.N. was all talk and no action…

14 Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia 1935: Italy invaded Ethiopia –Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selassie, asked the L.O.N. for support –L.O.N. condemned the attack but did nothing + Ethiopia fell to Italy Britain in fact allowed Italy to transport its troops + supplies on the Suez Canal –Did so to “keep the peace”

15 Hitler Defies the Treaty of Versailles 1935: Hitler announced he would defy the treaty + rebuild the German Army –LON issued a mild disapproval ∴ Hitler invades the Rhineland (forbidden by Treaty of Versailles) –Was the buffer b/w Germany + France

16 Aggression Goes Unchecked France + Britain’s laid back policies towards these aggressions = appeasement: –Policy of granting concessions to a potential enemy in the hope that it will maintain peace Appeasement led fascist totalitarian leaders to be even more aggressive

17 Hitler & Mussolini Become Friends Hitler encouraged to press on as the LON does nothing Mussolini saw Hitler’s growing power wanted an alliance w/ him October 1936: The two reached an agreement called the Rome-Berlin Axis One month later they made an allegiance w/ Japan – ∴ Germany, Italy & Japan became known as the Axis Powers

18 Fighting Breaks Out in Spain Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) Fascists victorious… –Nationalists (who had the fascist tendencies & were led by army leaders) rebelled against the Republican gov’t in Spain –Hitler and Mussolini sent military + economic aid in support of the Nationalist rebels –S.U. gave some support to the Republican gov’t but France, G.B, and U.S. stayed away

19 The Spanish Civil War: A Dress Rehearsal for WW II? Italian troops in Madrid Italian General Francisco Franco used the conflict to test new German military technology He rose as the Spanish Dictator after the Nationalists won in 1939.

20 Democratic Nations Try to Preserve Peace Br + Fr kept making concessions and practicing appeasement in order to keep the peace Were both dealing w/ Great Dep as well – ∴ really didn’t want to get involved in another war Also believed that Germany would serve as a buffer to the growing power of the S.U.

21 U.S. Follows an Isolationist Policy Many Americans supported isolationism: –Belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided –Argued that U.S. entry into WWI was a costly error –1935 Congress passes Neutrality Acts  banned loans & arms to nations at war.

22 The German Reich Expands Hitler took advantage disunity b/w U.S., G.B., + France November 5, 1937: –Hitler announced that he sought to absorb Austria + Czechoslovakia into the German Empire aka the Third Reich March 1938: Hitler took Austria, brought it into his Reich –Austria had to accept Anschluss: Name given to the union of Germany + Austria

23 The German Reich Expands Sept1938: Hitler wants the Sudetenland = German speaking area of Czechoslovakia –The Czech’s refused + asked for help from France who was already preparing for war… ∴ Munich Conference (that was proposed by Mussolini) held to deal w/this issue + avoid war

24 Munich Conference Created the Munich Pact –Br. Prime Minister Chamberlain believed war could be avoided by appeasing Hitler – ∴ Hitler would get the Sudetenland & Hitler would agree to respect Czechoslovakia’s new borders

25 Appeasement: The Munich Agreement, 1938 Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr Hitler is a man we can do business with. Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr Hitler is a man we can do business with. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Br. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain + Fr. Premier Daladier thought they had won by keeping the peace… Oh were they WRONG!

26 Hitler Takes Czechoslovakia Less than 6 months after the Munich Conference Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia… here we go!

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