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1 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring March 1, 2015 Living Out Loud Write down what you think is needed for Baptism? Who:_______________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "1 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring March 1, 2015 Living Out Loud Write down what you think is needed for Baptism? Who:_______________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring March 1, 2015 Living Out Loud Write down what you think is needed for Baptism? Who:_______________________________________ When:_______________________________________ Why: _______________________________________ What: _______________________________________ Where:_______________________________________ Here are some scripture to help you answer these questions. Acts 2:38, 41Matthew 28:19Acts10:47-48 Acts 18:8Romans 10:9Acts8:38 Matthew 3:16Luke 3: 1-8John 3: 22-23 Acts 13:24Acts 18:25Matthew 3:11 John1: 26-28John 1: 31, 33Acts 1:5

2 2 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring March 8, 2015 Jesus Promised an Advocate Learn about the advocate that Jesus promised us. Please read the following questions and make up a few sentence tell what you learned about the promised advocate. Holy Spirit our Advocate  John 14:16 Promised Helper  John 16:7-11 Convicting people of sin, right and wrong, and coming judgment  1 Corinthians 2:12-13;12:3 The One who opens God’s Word  Ephesians 1:13 The One who seals believers  2 Corinthians 1:21 God’s down payment, the guarantee that God will take us to heaven  Romans 8:11 Living permanently in believers since Jesus ascended  John 16:13 A Guide to each Christian  Ephesians 1:13; 4:30 Grieved when we sin  Galatians 5: 16-25 The One who enables believers ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

3 3 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring March 15, 2015 Jesus Presence Through the Holy Spirit

4 4 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring March 22, 2015 New Job, New Mission, New Statement Write your mission statement. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

5 5 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring March 29, 2015 Welcoming Important People Divide the students up into groups. Have them plan the welcoming celebration for Jesus entry into Jerusalem. Provide them with the following scripture to understand why this was such an important time.

6 6 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring April 5, 2015 RESURRECTION GUARANTEED Please take the following scriptures and review. Job shows his faith in the resurrection: Job 19: 25,26 Daniel prophesies about the resurrection: Daniel 12:2 Jesus Christ rises from the dead: Mark 16: 1-20; John20:1-18 Jesus teach about the resurrection: John 5:28,29 Jesus declares He is the resurrection: John 11:25 Live in Jesus Christ’s resurrection power: 1 Corinthians 15 All believer will share in first resurrection: Revelation 20:6 How are you inspired by Jesus Resurrection: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

7 7 P.A.W. Juniorway Supplement Spring April 12, 2015 LOVE ONE ANOTHER ScriptureLove means Deuteronomy 6:5 Deuteronomy 10:12 Psalms 18:1-3 Matthew 22:37 John 14:23 1 Peter 1:8 1 John 4:7 1 John 4:12 1 John 4:19 Matthew 6:24 Matthew 10: 37-39 1 John 2: 15-17 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 John 14:15 John 13: 34-35 1 John 3:16-17 John 13:34-35 1 John 3:14 1 John 4:12 1 John 4:17

8 8 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring April 19, 2015 LOVE EVERYONE NO MATTER WHAT. Look at this wordle and place words in correct column. After this take time to discuss what God means when he says LOVE EVERYONE even the unlovable. Represents Love Does Not Representing Love

9 9 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring April 26, 2015 DECEPTIONS Tricking someone into believing something that is not true or beings sneaky, present something as false. Tell a story when you or someone you know were tricked or did something sneaky. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Read the following stories about deception do not allow yourself to be deceived or be a deceiver. Know the tricks of the enemy and identify what trick was used from the devils D’s? 1.Doubt 2.Discouragement 3.Diversion 4.Defeat 5.Delay Eve was deceived by Satan – Genesis 3:13 Abram lies to Pharaoh and tells him Sarah is my sister. Genesis 12: 11-12 Laban tricks Jacob Genesis 29: 1-28; 30: 25-34; 31: 1-9 The Gibeonites fool Joshua. Joshua 9: 1-10;27 Ananias and Sapphira both lied. Acts 5: 1-11

10 10 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring May 3, 2015 Importance of Hospitality Please identify why we should show hospitality to strangers that come to our Church. What does hospitality look like explain in detail. (Always remember how would you want to be treated if you were the stranger) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

11 11 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring May 10, 2015 Spiritual Gift or Natural Gift Enclosed are a list of gifts identify which list the gifts belong to some are spiritual, natural or both. Select a spiritual gift an explain why you would like to serve in that gift. Spiritual Gift _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Natural Gift _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ I would like to serve in: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

12 12 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring May 17, 2015 The Spirit Creates One Body Support One Another Give the young people an opportunity to anonymously provide you with things they need prayer about. Place each issue where it can be seen. Give each student a piece of card stock and have them add the issues on the list to the card stock. Then have them pass the card stock around and have the students add there names on the opposite side of the card stock. Once the card stock reaches it original person then explain that the body needs to be connected and praying for each other can be a step in the right direction. Have the students identify other ways they can come together as one body. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _

13 13 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring May 10, 2015 Spiritual Gift or Natural Gift Enclosed are a list of gifts identify which list the gifts belong to some are spiritual, natural or both. Select a spiritual gift an explain why you would like to serve in that gift. Spiritual Gift _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Natural Gift _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ I would like to serve in: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

14 14 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring May 24, 2015 Gifts of the Spirit What spiritual gift did God give you? There are different Spiritual Gifts see if you can match the gifts with the correct definitions. 1.Gift of Prophet 2.Gift of Servant 3.Gift of Teacher 4.Gift of Giver 5.Gift of Ruler 6.Gift of Mercy 7.Gift of Tongues __ One who helps others to learn His word. __ One who speaking in spiritual languages __ One who offers their money, time and possessions for the kingdom __ One who has the gift of leadership __ One who speaks for God, giving His message to others. __ One who has great compassion __ To be slave of God. Explain what gifts you think God gave you? (Please share) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

15 15 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring May 24, 2015 Gifts of the Spirit What spiritual gift did God give you? There are different Spiritual Gifts see if you can match the gifts with the correct definitions. 1.Gift of Prophet 2.Gift of Servant 3.Gift of Teacher 4.Gift of Giver 5.Gift of Ruler 6.Gift of Mercy 7.Gift of Tongues _3_ One who helps others to learn His word. _7_ One who speaking in spiritual languages _4_ One who offers their money, time and possessions for the kingdom _5_ One who has the gift of leadership _1_ One who speaks for God, giving His message to others. _6_ One who has great compassion _2_ To be slave of God.

16 16 P.A.W. Teen Supplement Spring May 31, 2015 The Greatest Gift is Love Take some time and search the scriptures on Love Definition of Love 1 Corinthians 13 Love of God Psalms 139: 17,18 Jeremiah 31:3 God sent His Son in Love John 4:10 John 3:16 Christ’s Love is like the Father’s John 15: 9-17 Love for Others Your Enemies Matthew 5:44 Your neighbor as yourself Matthew 22: 37-39 Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37 Christ’s Love compels us to witness 2 Corinthians 5:14 Shows love for God 1 John 4: 7-12, 16-21 Notes:___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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