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Unit 17 Building Regulations Assessment Number 3 Date of issue : June 5 th 2015 To be submitted by: June 26 th 2015 This assessment provides an opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 17 Building Regulations Assessment Number 3 Date of issue : June 5 th 2015 To be submitted by: June 26 th 2015 This assessment provides an opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 17 Building Regulations Assessment Number 3 Date of issue : June 5 th 2015 To be submitted by: June 26 th 2015 This assessment provides an opportunity to complete the criteria described in the shaded boxes below. Please refer over the page for the assessment tasks you will need to do to satisfy the criteria identified. Signed: Date: Tutor Signed: Date: IV pre-issue Signed: Date: IV post-assessment Please turn over for assessment tasks…….. Achieved? 1stfinal P1Examine the factors that have influenced the historical development of building control and explain their significance P2Discuss the legislation and documentation associated with building control and their application P3Identify the various Approved Documents that comprise the building regulations P4Describe the application and enforcement of the Building Regulations P5Explain the approval procedures used in Building Control P6Evaluate the documentation used to support Building Control applications. P7Discuss the powers of local authority Building Control officers and approved inspectors P8Produce a specimen Building Regulations application, with all necessary documentation M1Explain the particular implications of the Building Regulations for low rise domestic and commercial construction M2Propose answers to two queries related to the interpretation of the Building Regulations M3Explain the procedures used to enforce the Building Regulations D1Justify the proposed solution to two separate Building Regulation issues D2Evaluate the specimen Building Regulation application, with all necessary documentation Student name: ………………………………………….…. Course of study: (Please tick)  Extended Dip. in Const. (ft)  Diploma in Const. (pt) tutor Jamie Owens

2 Unit 17 Building Regulations Assessment Number 3 T his assignment is intended to further expand upon your knowledge of the application process; the powers of approved inspectors, the procedures of enforcement and an evaluation of the application process. Scenario : You have been employed as a construction consultant to manage the refurbishment and part new build project of mixed use project on behalf of your client, a Property speculator. The Ground and 1 st floors are to be given over to office / retail space with the 2 nd floor given over to residential accommodation in the form of flats. Part of the refurbishment works include: Rewiring of electrical circuits, including new installations Addition of a number of bathrooms – both in the residential areas and commercial areas. Blocking up of a number of internal doorways and forming openings in structural walls. You have been asked by your client to produce a Building Regulation FULL PLANS submission for the removal of part of an internal structural wall to create a large open space in the ground floor, such that building regulations approval can be obtained. You will need to consider all related aspects to create a habitable, fully serviced and functional space, complying with the regulations. Consider: adding to existing electrical circuits, ensure fire separation and integrity between the Commercial GF and residential upper floors is maintained, add in a small kitchen area with cloakroom. Tasks; 1.Discuss the powers of local authority building control officers and approved inspectors. Evidence, in the form of a report, should include details of what each does and when each first appeared in the construction and built environment sector. Any differences between how the two work must also be included. (P7) 2. Produce a specimen Building Regulations application for the detailed property and scenario above (discussed in class), complete with associated documentation including drawings, utilising the documentation issued via email. The appropriate forms must be completed and accompanied by relevant drawings, specifications, etc (P8) Note – access the forms via WCBC Building ControlWCBC Building Control 3. Explain the procedures used to enforce the Building Regulations. Evidence must include procedures for notifying the enforcement authority at certain stages of the building work and the role of the inspector in verifying compliance with the regulations. (M3) 4. Evaluate the specimen Building Regulations application together with all necessary documentation. Learners should suggest how the application and documentation could be improved (D2)

3 Authenticity; I certify that the work I have submitted for this assessment is entirely my own and that all other material has been properly referenced. Signature;………………………………………………………………………… name;…………………......................................................................……… Date;…………………………. Nb: If anything written or illustrated is not your own work you must provide footnotes to identify the reference source/s (book, website, handout etc.) you have used. Submit your illustrated written report through the reception window on or before the submission date, with this sheet at the front. Your work should be attached ‘behind’ this sheet, with the authenticity statement (at the bottom of this page) acknowledged by signature.

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