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Civil War Begins January 1861, it begins with Lincoln’s election. Known to be against slavery, his election was viewed as a threat to S. Carolina. S. Carolina.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War Begins January 1861, it begins with Lincoln’s election. Known to be against slavery, his election was viewed as a threat to S. Carolina. S. Carolina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War Begins January 1861, it begins with Lincoln’s election. Known to be against slavery, his election was viewed as a threat to S. Carolina. S. Carolina calls a state convention where representatives voted to remove the state from the U.S. S. Carolina’s secession is followed by 6 more states (Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Georgia).

2 Civil War Begins Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina eventually follow. These 11 states would create the Confederate States of America. By February of 1861, the first 7 states to secede meet in Alabama and create their constitution. They appoint (not elect) Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate States of America.

3 Civil War Begins Before Lincoln was elected, the South had attempted to gain control of Federal forts in the South through legal means. Following the official formation of the Confederate States, they begin attacking federal forts in the South. The Civil War begins with the raid on Fort Sumter, South Carolina April, 1861.

4 Civil War Begins After Fort Sumter, Virginia joins the Confederacy, and Richmond becomes it’s nation’s capital. On June 20 th, 1863, not wanting to secede with the rest of Virginia, the residents of West Virginia are granted statehood. In June of 1861, with strong-arming from Lincoln, 4 slave states join the Union (Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky).

5 Civil War Begins July of 1861, Gen. McDowell (Union Army) is forced to attack Confederate Soldiers. The 1 st Battle of Bull Run began well for the North, but Southern reinforcements changed the tide quickly. McDowell was forced to retreat. Lincoln immediately replaces McDowell.

6 Civil War Begins That same month the North begins a blockade of the South. Early in 1862, Lincoln officially signs a war order, allowing the Union to begin invasions of the Confederacy. The order is ignored by Gen. McClellan. By March, 1862, Lincoln replaces McClellan.

7 Civil War Begins McClellan would be in charge of the Army of the Potomac. In May, “Stonewall” Jackson defeats McClellan and his Army of the Potomac. McClellan retreats to defend D.C. from falling to the Confederacy. By July, Lincoln has again appointed a new Gen., Major-Gen. Henry Halleck.

8 Civil War Begins One month into his leadership, Halleck’s troops are defeated at the 2 nd Battle of Bull Run. The defeat is blamed on Gen. Fitz-John Porter, while under orders to attack, hesitates, and costs the Union the battle (Porter would be removed from active duty within the year). By September, McClellan would give the North it’s sign that the war could still be won.

9 Civil War Begins McClellan catches up with Gen. Lee (Confederacy), near Sharpsburg MD. Antietam, would become the bloodiest single day of the Civil War. 2,108 Union soldiers, and 2,700 Confederate soldiers would be killed. In addition each side would have over 9,000 injured. The Union would call it a victory only on a technicality, as Lee was forced to withdraw to Virginia to seek medical aide for his soldiers.

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