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2015 Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 1: No Poverty.

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1 2015 Sustainable Development Goals


3 Goal 1: No Poverty

4 In 2015, 1.4 billion people worldwide live on $1.25 a day or less.

5 Every day, 22,000 children die from issues related to poverty.

6 Goal 2: Zero Hunger

7 805 million people suffered from chronic malnourishment from 2012-2014.

8 Malnourishment causes 31 million children’s deaths annually.

9 In developing countries, 1 of 6 infants are born with a low birth weight.

10 Goal 3: Good Health and Well- Being

11 In 2013, 289,000 women died due to complications from pregnancy. World Health Organization

12 4.5 million infant deaths will have occurred in 2015. World Health Organization

13 Only 51% of individuals with HIV know that they are infected.

14 In 2014, 2 million people became newly infected by HIV.

15 Goal 4: Quality Education

16 In 2012, 31 million primary school students dropped out of school.

17 Over half of the world’s out of school children are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

18 Goal 5: Gender Equality

19 60% of the world’s malnourished people are women.

20 One in five girls are not in primary school, compared to one in six boys.

21 Women make up only 22% of parliamentary members globally.

22 Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

23 More than 750 million people lack access to safe, clean drinking water.

24 More than 35% of the world’s population lacks access to improved sanitation.

25 Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

26 As of 2013, renewable energy accounts for 22% of energy globally.

27 Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

28 In recent years, developing countries have seen unprecedented economic growth.

29 However, over 205 million members of the global workforce are unemployed.

30 Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

31 Countries in Africa and South America have the least developed infrastructure in the world.

32 2.5 billion people worldwide are without easy access to electricity.

33 Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

34 Worldwide, the economic participation and opportunity gap between men and women is 60%.

35 Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

36 More than 828 million people live in slums.

37 More than 95% of urban expansion in the next decade will occur in developing countries.

38 Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

39 Every year, one third of all food produced globally ends up rotting before it can be sold.

40 Only.5% of the world’s total water supply is accessible for human consumption.

41 Goal 13: Climate Action

42 Global CO2 emissions have increased by 50% since 1990.

43 The global average sea level has risen by 19 cm in the last century.

44 Goal 14: Life Below Water

45 Over 3 billion people depend on marine biodiversity for their livelihood.

46 Oceans absorb about 30% of the world’s CO2 emissions.

47 Goal 15: Life on Land

48 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihood.

49 Land degradation (deforestation, overcultivation) impacts 1.5 billion people globally.

50 Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

51 Governmental corruption and bribery cost some developing countries over $1.26 trillion yearly.

52 This amount of money could be used to lift those who are living on less than $1.25 a day above $1.25 for at least six years.

53 Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

54 Over 4 billion people do not use the internet.

55 However, the number of internet users in Africa has almost doubled in the last four years.

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