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The Digestive System. Purpose To break food down into individual molecules that can be used by the body. Can be considered a disassembly line.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digestive System. Purpose To break food down into individual molecules that can be used by the body. Can be considered a disassembly line."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digestive System

2 Purpose To break food down into individual molecules that can be used by the body. Can be considered a disassembly line.

3 The Mouth First part of the digestive system. Chewing is a part of mechanical digestion The mouth also contains amylase, an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. Chemical digestion

4 Esophagus Once you have chewed your food, it travels down the esophagus. Peristalsis: Involuntary smooth muscle contractions that push food down into the stomach.

5 The Stomach Muscular pouch-like enlargement in the digestive tract. Mechanical Digestion: The stomach churns through smooth muscle contractions Chemical Digestion: Contains pepsin to break down proteins.

6 Small Intestine 6m tube within your digestive tract. Mechanical Digestion: Smooth muscle contraction Chemical Digestion: Further breakdown of carbs/proteins by enzymes secreted by the pancreas and liver. Absorbed by structures called villi.

7 Large Intestine Indigestible liquid waste travels to the large intestine. Water and salts are absorbed, leading to a more solid product. This solid product is later eliminated as feces.

8 Review Name the 3 main biomolecules that we eat and tell me how many calories per gram each one has. Protein 4 cal/g Carbohydrate 4 cal/g Lipid 9 cal/g

9 Vitamins vs. Minerals Vitamins Organic compounds needed in small amounts to maintain growth and metabolism. Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D Minerals Inorganic compounds that serve as building materials or take part in chemical reactions. Iron, calcium, zinc

10 Other Systems Integumentary: Skin, protects body Endocrine: Controls hormone production Nervous System: Controls how we respond to stimuli Reproductive System: Allows us to undergo sexual reproduction Urinary System: Filters waste from blood to maintain homeostasis

11 Last Notes Ever in Biology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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