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Diocese of Toronto Anglican Church of Canada Sexual Misconduct Policy Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Diocese of Toronto Anglican Church of Canada Sexual Misconduct Policy Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diocese of Toronto Anglican Church of Canada Sexual Misconduct Policy Training

2 Agenda Policy Review Prevention Procedures Case Studies


4 Theological Reflection Holy Scripture Baptismal Covenant Lambeth Conference Report, 1988 Implications for the Church Not a private matter

5 Principles Highest ethical standards Misconduct will not be tolerated Model wholeness and healthy sexuality Professional counselor/ client relationships are to be respected Cooperate with proper authorities Provision of support and pastoral care Presumed innocence

6 Definitions Sexual Misconduct Pastoral Relationship Sexual Harassment Sexual Exploitation Sexual Assault Consent

7 Sexual Misconduct Sexual Exploitation Sexual Harassement Sexual Assault (sexual abuse)

8 Pastoral Relationship A relationship with anyone to whom you provide pastoral counselling, pastoral care, spiritual direction, spiritual guidance or from whom you have received confession or confidential or privileged information

9 Pastoral Relationship Any sexual activity or conduct in which a person in a pastoral relationship with another takes advantage of the vulnerability of the person under his/her pastoral care or other guidance or leadership, regardless of who appears to have initiated it.

10 Sexual Harassment a course of vexatious comment or conduct known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome undermining, coercing, intimidating, humiliating or demeaning an individual on the basis of sex may consist of a single incident or several incidents of the same or opposite sex

11 Sexual Harassment may create a hostile or offensive environment may be a supervisor, co-worker/minister, client, parishioner, volunteer or an external service provider can occur in or outside the office or church building not limited to a work-related activity defined in the Human Rights Code

12 Sexual Exploitation Any form of sexual contact or invitation to sexual contact, with an adult by a professional person, cleric or anyone in a position of authority, trust or power over that adult whether or not there is consent.

13 Sexual Exploitation The act of taking advantage of the vulnerability of an adult, with whom there is a fiduciary and/or pastoral relationship, for one’s own pleasure/gain.


15 TABLE DISCUSSION 1.Who do you consider yourself to be in a pastoral relationship with? 2.What does this mean for you as a volunteer or staff member?

16 Sexual Assault (Abuse) any intentional use of force or threat of use of force involving some form of sexual activity, against another person without his/her consent. an activity that may be criminal in nature as defined either as child abuse or by the criminal code includes the possession, distribution or accessing of child pornography

17 Consent non-coercive, not under threat, obtained by fraud, or through the influence of a person in authority over that person children under the age of 14 cannot give consent except in the limited circumstances between peers provisions for mentally or otherwise incapacitated, or vulnerable not possible in a fiduciary relationship

18 Prevention 3. The Incumbents and Churchwardens of each parish strive to ensure that their congregations are free from sexual exploitation, harassment and assault. (Policy page 6)

19 Prevention 8. Training for clergy, diocesan and parish employees and volunteers normally takes place at the beginning of their term in office or at least within the first six months of their appointment, and three years thereafter. (Policy page 6)

20 Prevention 9. Churchwardens and Incumbents of parishes and those in charge of other diocesan ministries are responsible for ensuring that employees and key volunteers are oriented and consent to adhere to this policy. (Policy page 6) The Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith Policy is part of Prevention

21 Prevention Policies and structures are in place for screening of clergy and lay leaders. Screening in faith Appropriate supervision and evaluation Consider the design of buildings to ensure safety and access. Training such as this event.

22 Prevention Canon Pastor –The Rev. Canon Al Budzin 416-807-2494 Diocesan Response Team Parish policies regarding best practices

23 What happens if there is a complaint? Sexual Harassment -Complainant asks the respondent to stop the behaviours - Does not stop then notify the Canon Pastor Sexual Exploitation -Notify the Canon Pastor

24 What happens if there is a complaint? Sexual Assault of a child -You are required to contact the children’s aid society. Sexual Assault of an adult -Contact the Canon Pastor


26 SCENARIO You are a member of a parish selection committee. Today the “PSC” are interviewing applicants and as the first applicant enters the room one of the committee members invites the individual to “park their cute little behind” on the vacant chair and then goes on to tell a rather inappropriate joke. No one laughs at the joke and there is an uncomfortable silence in the room. What actions should be taken? Should the interview continue?


28 Case Study A ten year old from the parish tells you story that doesn’t sound true to you. It involves a well respected adult in the parish that you have known for many years. You are disturbed by the story especially those elements that appear to be sexual in nature. What do you do? Is there anyone you would contact?

29 Flow Chart of Response to Complaint of Sexual Assault against a Child A person who suspects abuse of a child on reasonable grounds contacts the Children’s Aid Society  The Canon Pastor is informed of the allegation, informs the Bishop, confirms and documents that a report to CAS has been made  Area Bishop and Secretary of Synod informed of the complaint  Diocese co-operates with the investigating child protection and/or police authorities  Area Bishop (after consultation with investigating authorities) contacts the child’s family. Child and family offered the assistance of a diocesan resource person by Canon Pastor  Respondent advised of the report (on advice of investigating authorities) by Canon Pastor and offered the assistance of a diocesan resource person  The respondent is normally removed from duties pending outcome of investigation  A crisis response team may be appointed to assist in the parish  The Bishop may initiate an internal investigation on completion of criminal or civil proceedings  The Diocesan Bishop determines appropriate discipline


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