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+ Miss Burkhart! Welcome to English with Room 22.

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2 + Miss Burkhart! Welcome to English with Room 22

3 + Who is Miss Burkhart? Am I in the right room?

4 + Are we going to have fun this year? YES!

5 + What will we be doing this year?

6 + Will I treat you fairly? Always.

7 + How will you be graded?

8 + What to Expect…Eve ry day.

9 + Arrival Procedure Greet Miss Burkhart at the door. Grab binder from crate. Put phone in Cell Phone Resort. Check calendar. Start bellwork. Look at agenda.

10 + Dismissal Procedure 1) Wait without packing up until I dismiss the class. 2) Pack homework folder & belongings. 3) Return seats to correct position if necessary. 4) Leave your binder in crate by the door labeled for your class. 5) Pick up your cell phone if it has been in the resort.

11 + Getting Attention Procedure I will raise my hand to get your attention.

12 + Restroom You Me or

13 + Homework: Student Responsibility Card Fill it out Sign and date Turn in when homework is collected

14 + We will also cover… Tardy procedure Getting teacher’s attention procedure Passing in papers procedure Organizing your learning tools Absence procedure Checking out a book from the class library procedure Finishing work early procedure And more!

15 + Location, location, location! Where is homework posted? Where can I review procedures and guidelines? Where will the agenda be posted? Where is the reminder of how to head my paper?

16 + Guideline #1 Be respectful of the people in this classroom. This includes ME, your CLASSMATES, and very importantly—YOURSELF.

17 + Guideline #2 Follow directions the first time they are given—hold questions until directions are completed.

18 + Guideline #3 Bring all materials to class.

19 + Guideline #4 Follow all procedures and rules in the handbook.

20 + Guideline Infraction Notice Read it Sign it See me after class

21 + Following Guidelines… Creates a positive classroom environment Aids in student learning and achievement Provides a stress-free zone Allows for creativity and fun in the classroom

22 + Not Following Guidelines Results In 1) Guideline infraction notice 2) Action plan filled out with parent signature 3) 30-minute detention after school on Friday 4) Disciplinary referral to the office Severe clause: Any student who fights, or damages school or personal property, will be sent immediately to the office.

23 +

24 + Special Clauses No whining/I can’t zone I believe you CAN.

25 + Scholars use academic language to express themselves. Profanity includes swear words and derogative slang. Procedure: “Language.” “I apologize, what I meant to say was…”

26 + We are a LEARNING TEAM! I expect to learn with you this year in the classroom. Our procedures and guidelines will help us operate as a team so we can learn and grow together.

27 + Homework Bring all supplies to class tomorrow (binder, three dividers, loose leaf notebook paper, and markers) Due: TOMORROW Review syllabus and have guidelines signed by parents Due: WEDNESDAY Give parents “Your Amazing Child” worksheet Due: Next Monday

28 + What A Year It Will Be! I am firmly convinced we are going to have a great year together. I absolutely believe in each of you already, and I’m excited to see what we accomplish this year!

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