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China Debate Education Network: Elements of Arguments: Evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "China Debate Education Network: Elements of Arguments: Evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Debate Education Network: Elements of Arguments: Evidence

2 Defined. – Starting point of any argument – Foundation on which an argument is built

3 Categories of Evidence Evidence based on Reality FactsObserved or potentially observable TheoriesStatements that explain other facts or that predict events PresumptionsStatements concerning our expectations Evi8dence based on preference ValuesEvidence based on an audience’s preferences Value HierarchiesEvidence based on how values are arranged Value CategoriesValues arranged into categories such that the category itself is evidence

4 Facts Direct observation Historical observation Examples and Illustrations Statistics Descriptions of empirical studies

5 Theories Formal theories – Einstein's general and specific theories – Darwin’s theory of evolution Less formal theories – Peltzman’s theory of risk compensation

6 Presumptions What we expect to happen. About the nature of people Rebuttable presumptions

7 Values Any statement expressing something other than indifference Values of individual or collective rights

8 Value hierarchies Establish certain values as more important than others. Important only when 2 values collide

9 Value Categories Quantity Quality Reparability


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