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Creating Saved List Queries in the Financial Aid Module Session 5003 Monday, April 6, 2009 15072 By Eric Mayo Lead Consultant Datatel, Inc

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Saved List Queries in the Financial Aid Module Session 5003 Monday, April 6, 2009 15072 By Eric Mayo Lead Consultant Datatel, Inc"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Saved List Queries in the Financial Aid Module Session 5003 Monday, April 6, 2009 15072 By Eric Mayo Lead Consultant Datatel, Inc

2 What Database do you use? ORACLE UNIDATA SQL

3 Focus of this presentation  Explore Mnemonics in Colleague that assist for creating Savedlist  Present opportunities to query Database  Develop methods to view/modify/extract data  Using Communication Management to create reports

4 Saved List Creation (SLC)  Mnemonic in CORE (available under the ST module)  Allows you to create savedlist of PERSON ids.  Valuable when you have a list of PERSON records, SSN, or names and need to create a Savedlist to use in batch processes.

5 SLC (cont…) Name of the Savedlist Click here to create list

6 SLC (cont…) Can enter – Colleague ID – SSN – Name Delete previous list and create a new list, just enter Y.

7 SLC (cont) Enter Y to Create Savedlist

8 SLC (cont) You can detail to view Select Statement

9 SLC (cont…)

10 If you modify the savedlist on SLC, when you save the list again, it will prompt to save under a new name. Click Y for new name or N to save under same name.

11 SLC (cont…) Enter new name: Can create version of the list.

12 SLP View list created on SLC

13 SLC (cont)  Important to remember  Must enter valid 7 digit Colleague Id  Must Execute Query to create list  Will be prompted for name, can override name or create new name  Validates against PERSON not FIN.AID or XX.ACYR files

14 SLCR Query form Can use database language to query or Envision language Limitations – Some computed columns are not available on SLCR – Must know data elements, no ability to search. (not a problem with proper research)

15 SLCR (cont)  Advantages Allows the user to write adhoc queries Saves query in Colleague for future use Allows the user to write adhoc queries Can use previous savedlist to narrow list? ???

16 SLCR- ISIR ON FILE Your Mission: Create a list of ids for those who have a ISIR on file for 2009.

17 SLCR- ISIR on File (cont) Code: Envision: SELECT CS.2009 WITH CS.FED.ISIR.ID NE “” SQL: SELECT CS_STUDENT_ID FROM CS_2009 WHERE CS_FED_ISIR_ID IS NOT NULL ORACLE: Similar to SQL, might need to include schema name in file.

18 SLCR in SQL language

19 SLCR in Envision language (works on all servers)

20 SLCR- FISAP 1 st part to Two part query Finds student registered for the term Note Terms would need to be change, STTR.STATUS would change to match codes at your school


22 SLCR- FISAP (cont…)

23 FISAP (con…)


25 SLCR – FISAP (cont…)

26 SLCR- SAP First query for SAP that is run per term to find students that have that academic term. This report will give you a record of all students who have that academic term.

27 SLCR- SAP (cont…) Second query to then find those students who have a Financial Aid record.

28 RLPC  Can use a rule to create Savedlist or several rules to create a Savedlist.  Use a rule(s) created for another process to create savedlist.  Create new rule simple for RLPC use.  Use multiple rules and indicate if student has to pass all rules or one of the rule.

29 Using RLPC, First setup: create a Rule

30 RLPC, Process to create list. Primary File view of the Rule or Rules Savedlist Name Enter File Suite Year Rules Operator: AND or OR Rules

31 RLPC (cont…), SLED RLPC does not produce output, however you can view the savedlist on SLED.

32 Create DOC

33 DOC setup (cont…)


35 Produce list on PCEX

36 PCEX report

37 PCEX (cont…)

38 Wrap up of Mnemonics  SLP- Select Specific People  SLC – Person Save List Creation  SLCR- Savedlist Creation  SLED- Savedlist Edit Contents  RLPC- Rules Savedlist Processing  DOC- Document Codes  DFS- Document File Setup  PCEX- Express Corresp. Processing

39 Questions

40 Questions During Presentation Wanted to address three questions during the presentation. 1.On SLC, enter ids and the Colleague application is force to exit? Could not find any AnswerNet document strictly concerning SLC and force exit. This issue might involve some other underlining issue. 2.On SLC, enter invalid ids and the savedlist is not saved? This has been resolved with SUSU38749.82-1805 in June 2008. 3.Can you use multiple SELECT on SLCR? YES. It works great, see next slide.

41 SLCR- SAP revised Example of 2 SELECT statements. Condensed the two queries on slide 26 and 27 into 1 query. Query first finds students with specific Term Statuses for Spring 2009, then limits to those that have a Financial Aid file.

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