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Year 2 and Year 6 SATs Parents Evening Thursday 5 th May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 and Year 6 SATs Parents Evening Thursday 5 th May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 and Year 6 SATs Parents Evening Thursday 5 th May 2016

2 Changes to SATs in 2016  In the summer term of 2016, children in Year 2 and Year 6 will be the first to take the new SATs papers.  These tests in English and Maths will reflect the new national curriculum, and are intended to be more rigorous.  There will also be a completely new marking scheme to replace the existing national curriculum levels.

3 Year 2 SATs  Will be used this year to confirm teacher assessment  25% of schools will be moderated to ensure consistency in judgements  KS1 moderation looks at reading, writing and maths

4 Year 6 SATs  Take place during the week of 9 th May  Assess reading; spelling, grammar and punctuation; maths – arithmetic and reasoning  Writing is judged using teacher assessment  25% of schools are moderated to ensure consistency in judgements  KS2 moderation looks at writing

5 What is expected by the end of KS2?  The previous national curriculum levels have been scrapped, and instead children will be given scaled scores.  You will be given your child’s raw score (the actual number of marks they get), alongside their scaled score and whether they have reached the national average.  The score needed to reach the national average has yet to be announced. This score will be decided once the papers have been marked!

6 Year 6 Test Timetable  Monday 9 May  English reading test, reading booklet and associated answer booklet.  Tuesday 10 May  English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, Paper 1, short answer questions. English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, Paper 2, spelling.  Wednesday 11 May  Mathematics, Paper 1, arithmetic test. Mathematics, Paper 2, reasoning.  Thursday 12 May  Mathematics Paper 3, reasoning.

7 Year 2 Timetable  The test administration window runs from 3 rd May until 31 st May  Unlike the National Curriculum tests in year 6, there is NO set timetable  As a school we are able to decide when to administer the tests  The tests are not strictly timed and rest breaks can be taken  All tests will take place in the mornings when the children are most alert

8 Year 6 Reading  1 hour paper  3 unrelated texts of increasing difficulty  Questions on each section  Total score out of 50




12 Year 2 Reading  Two reading papers  Reading paper 1 – one booklet containing some fiction and non-fiction writing and questions  Reading paper 2 – two booklets – a reading booklet containing some fiction and non-fiction writing and an answer booklet




16 Year 6 SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)  A grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes.  A spelling test of 20 words that lasts for 15 minutes.  It will have a greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology and explicit knowledge of precise technical vocabulary






22 Year 2 SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)  This was set to have two paper – one spelling paper; one grammar and punctuation paper  Sample papers available on DfE website from February 2016  These turned out to be the actual papers  This test has now been scrapped for this year!

23 Year 6 Maths







30 Year 2 Maths  Two Mathematics papers  Maths paper 1 – Arithmetic  Maths paper 2 - Reasoning





35 Common errors  Missing out the correct unit of measurement in the answer  General presentation – final answer not being clear  Numbers not clearly formed e.g. ‘0’ looking like a ‘6’  Decimal points – missing them out or making them look like a comma  2 step problems – make sure children follow the whole question through  Recording the monetary values incorrectly e.g. must be £8.90 not £8.9  Knowing the process, but making silly errors with addition and subtraction

36 How you can support your child  Continue with regular reading – practice locating information quickly in a text  Practice their times tables  Have discussions with your children about grammar terminology during reading  Practice the weekly spellings and revise the appropriate spelling lists  Make sure your child gets good nights sleep during the month of May

37 Reporting  Benchmark for expected levels have increased dramatically  Targets are still being devised so teachers don’t know what they are aiming for  Children may make exceptional progress but still not reach expected levels  Curriculum is no longer best fit – children MUST achieve every standard in order to be deemed to have met the age related expectations  There are grave concerns across the Country from educationalists, parents and professional alike, that standards are untenable  Secondary schools feel that current levels in year 6 equate to their yr. 9 curriculum

38 Reporting  BLW – working below expected standards  WTS – working towards expected standards  EXS – Working at expected standards  GDS – working at greater depth

39 Any Questions?  Sample materials available – curriculum-assessments-2016-sample-materials

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