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Chief Complaint back pain Present Illness 73/F, DM, colon Ca. op. s/p CTx. Hx.(2015.1 송도병원 ) 있는 자로, infectious arthritis, Rt. shoulder 있어 성심병원 입원하여 I&D.

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Presentation on theme: "Chief Complaint back pain Present Illness 73/F, DM, colon Ca. op. s/p CTx. Hx.(2015.1 송도병원 ) 있는 자로, infectious arthritis, Rt. shoulder 있어 성심병원 입원하여 I&D."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chief Complaint back pain Present Illness 73/F, DM, colon Ca. op. s/p CTx. Hx.(2015.1 송도병원 ) 있는 자로, infectious arthritis, Rt. shoulder 있어 성심병원 입원하여 I&D 후 증상 호전되었으나, LBP 발생하여 시행한 MR 상 infectious spondylitis, psoas m. abscess 소견 보여 본원 ER 통해 전원 온 후 GS 에 입원 하였음. 이후 NS 로 전과 후 L4-5 infectious spondylitis 에 대해 op. 시행하였고 op. 당시 L4-5 주변 soft tissue 에서 나간 Bx. 에서 metastatic carcinoma, suggestive of colon 진단되어 IH 로 전 과하였음. Case 1 12528644 임 O 순 (F/73) Admission date : 2015.10.30

3 Past-medical history DM / HTN / Tb / Hepatitis ( - / + / - / + ) Old cerebral infarction Op Hx. : Colon cancer s/p LAR (2015.1, 송도병원 ) Personal history Alcohol(-) Smoking(-)

4 Work Up Endoscopy none Image study 2015.11.03 L-spine MR 2015.11.04 liver CT 2015.11.13 AP-CT

5 S-2015-16772 Diagnosis : Soft tissue, L4-5, “muscle fascia”, posterior decompression with laminectomy: Metastatic carcinoma (See note) Note) Immunohistochemical findings of CDX2 (focal positive), CK20 (focal positive), and CK7 (Negative), the diagnosis of this case is metastatic carcinoma. Based on the minimal finding of immunohistochemistry. The primary site are suggestive of colon. Pathologic finding

6 Diagnosis Colon cancer c multiple site metastasis ( Rt. psoas m., liver(S6/7), Lt. common iliac v. LNs(+) : Lt. para-aortic area, renal hilar) s/p LAR (2015.1, 송도병원 ) s/p FOLFIRI+Avastain#3(2015.3.13) s/p FOLFOX#9(2015.7.27) s/p Xeloda 2900mg #2 (2015.8.6~)

7 Chief Complaint anal area pain Present Illness 84/F, HTN, DM 외 특이병력 없는 자로 3~4 년전 coccyx pain 있어 X-ray 만 촬영하였고 내 원 1 달 전 coccyx and anal area pain aggravation 되어 타병원에서 Abd-CT, MRI 검사 후 anal canal 에서 rectum 후방으로 6.5cm x 5.0cm sized mass 발견되어 본원 GS 입원 후 retrorectal leiomyosarcoma 진단하에 retrorectal tumor excision 시행하였음 (2014.05.15). 이후 f/u MR(2015.09.08) 에서 재발 소견보여 2015.10.06 wide excision 시행하였음. Case 2 12409037 류 O 선 (F/84) Admission date : 2015.10.13.

8 Past-medical history DM / HTN / Tb / Hepatitis ( + / + / - / - ) Alcohol(-) Smoking (-) Op Hx (+) : 15 년전 우측 무릎 연골 op. Personal history Alcohol (-) Smoking (-)

9 Work Up Endoscopy none Image study 2014.04.15 AP-CT ( 외부 ) 2014.04.25 pelvis MR ( 외부 ) 2014.08.22 rectum MR 2015.09.08 rectum MR

10 S-2015-14793 Diagnosis : Soft tissue, coccyx, mass excision: Leiomyosarcoma, recurred with 1) Size: 3.0 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm (rT1b) 2) Tumor grading: FNCLCC grade 3 (score 7) (Differentiation: 2, Mitotic figure: 3 (50/10 HPFs), Necrosis: 2) 3) Negative resection margin (safety margin: 0.05 cm) 4) Lymph nodes status: Cannot be assessed (pNx) 5) Lymphatic invasion: not identified Vascular invasion: not identified Pathologic finding

11 Diagnosis Retrorectal leiomyosarcoma, recurred

12 Chief Complaint Abdominal pain onset> 내원 당일 새벽 3 시경 Present Illness 20/M, small bowel perforation 으로 3 년전 op. Hx. 있는 환자로 2015. 8 AGE 로 본원 IG 입원한 적 있음. 이번 내원 당일 새벽 3 시경 변보던 중 쥐어짜는 양상 의 RUQ and RLQ pain 있어 응급실 경유하여 입원하였으며 panperitonitis 진단 하에 GS 로 전과하여 small bowel segmental resection c incidental appendectomy (20151113) 시행받음. Case 3 12506191 마 O 진 (M/20) Admission date : 2015.11.12.

13 Past-medical history DM / HTN / Tb / Hepatitis ( - / - / -/ - ) Op Hx (+) : 3 년전 small bowel perforation 으로 op. Personal history Alcohol (-) smoking(+) : 0.25 갑 x 3 년

14 Work Up Endoscopy 2015.08.06 EGD, CFS (AGE 로 IG 입원했을 당시 시행 ) Image study 2014.08.02 Abd-CT 2015.11.12 AP-CT

15 Operation 2015.11.13. small bowel segmental resection

16 S-2015-17261 Diagnosis : Small intestine, jejunum, segmental resection: 1. Perforation 2. Acute serositis with abscess 3. Submucosal hematoma Appendix, appendectomy: No specific change Pathologic finding

17 Diagnosis Small bowel perforation d/t r/o IBD

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