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Physical Fitness. Definition: The ability to ________ physical activity and to meet the _________ of daily living while being energetic and alert.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Fitness. Definition: The ability to ________ physical activity and to meet the _________ of daily living while being energetic and alert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Fitness

2 Definition: The ability to ________ physical activity and to meet the _________ of daily living while being energetic and alert

3 5 Components of Physical Fitness Cardio-respiratory Endurance _________________ Muscular Endurance _________________Flexibility

4 Cardio-respiratory Endurance Definition: The ability of the _____, _______ and ____________ to send fuel and oxygen to body’s tissues during long periods of vigorous activity Measured by: ________________ _____________________________

5 Benefits of Cardio-respiratory Endurance Helps your _____ and ____ function more efficiently Increases your _________ rate Increases your #’s of antioxidants Improves insulin sensitivity Improves the ________ ability to use lactic acid Improves the function of the ______ system

6 Benefits con’t Increases ____ and decreases ____ Decreases chance of _____ cancer Improves __________ well-being F = 3 x 5 times per week I = 220-age =(Max HR); x 75% T = 20 min. or more T = Aerobic activities (running and biking)

7 Muscular Strength Definition: The maximum amount of _____ a ______ can produce in a single effort Measured by: How much ________ _____________________________

8 Muscular Endurance Definition: The ability of ________ ________________________ of time without fatigue Measured by: Sit-ups, push-ups and _______________

9 Benefits of Muscular Strength and Endurance Help to ______ everyday tasks Help maintain correct ________ Reduces the _____ of being injured Improves body composition by (+) ______ mass and (-) __________ Improves self-image Keeps bones dense and ______

10 Muscle strength and endurance con’t F = _______ times per week I = ______ reps, 3 sets more weight = strength more reps = endurance T = _____ reps, break between sets T = _________ activities resistance exercises

11 Body Composition Definition: The ______________, lean muscle, connective and supportive tissue Measured by: Weight charts, skin calipers (more areas measured the better – at least 5), _____________ ____________ Teen Boys – _______% Teen Girls – _______%

12 Benefits of Good Body Comp. Reduces risk of ______ Reduces risk of _____________ Reduces the risk of developing __________ Improves ________ and self-image Reduces the risk of having a ______ Reduces the risk of developing high ________ pressure

13 Body Composition Con’t F = ______ days per week I = work at ______ heart rate T = time depends on intensity T = _______ activities

14 Flexibility Definition: The ability to move a body part through a full range of motion ____________is defined as "actively moving a joint through the range of motion required for a sport.“ _______________________________________________ refers to holding a stretch with no movement.

15 Benefits of Good Flexibility Improves _____ of life Prevents and relieves symptoms of ___________ Prevents injuries to _________ and joints Improves performance in _______

16 Flexibility Dynamic Stretch F = _______ any physical activities I = between ____ to _______ effort T = 5 to 10 minutes T = _____ activities

17 Flexibility con’t Static Stretch F = ______ times per week I = hold each stretch for 30 sec. x 3-5 T = ______ min. (Hit all major joints) T = _________ Stretching -Stretch to a pull is felt and the hold

18 Performance Related Fitness Components ___________Balance___________Power____________Speed

19 Performance Related Fitness Agility – ability to change position of the body rapidly and maintain control Balance – ________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Coordination – ability to combine vision or other senses with movements of the body Power – ability to do strength performance quickly, combining factors of strength and speed Reaction Time – Amount of time it takes to get moving once you need to move Speed– __________ _________________ _________________ _________________

20 Two Types of Exercise: Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Aerobic – Activity in which _________ _______________________ are required continually for an extended period of time –ex. Running, biking, swimming Anaerobic – activity in which the body’s demand for oxygen is ____________ than what is available during exertion –ex. Weight training Increase resistance = muscular strength Increase repetitions = muscular endurance

21 Aerobic Exercise: Benefits –_____________________ –Improve body composition –Improve cardiovascular health –Improve tone, appearance and self- esteem Myths –Makes you tired –_________________________ –All exercises give you the same benefits

22 Anaerobic Exercise: Benefits –Reduce injury –Increase strength in bones, tendons & muscles –Improve tone and appearance –________________________ Myths –_________________________ –Reduces coordination

23 Benefits of exercise depend on the F.I.T.T. Principle Frequency – how often (_________/ week) Intensity – how hard (70-85% of Max. HR) –220 – your age = Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) Time – ____________ (20 – 40 minutes) Type – What kind (aerobic vs. anaerobic)

24 Other Types of Exercise Isometric – Exercise involving muscular strength with ___________ _____________ of the body part – Example: Pushing against wall Isotonic – Exercise involving muscular _____________with movement –Examples: Push-ups, pull-ups, weight lifting, etc.

25 Other Types of Exercise Cont. Isokinetic – Exercise involving muscular strength, muscle endurance and flexibility with movement through an ______________________ –Examples: Pushing or pulling against a hydraulic lever: Cybex machines, nautilus equipment

26 Principles of Training: Improving the operating efficacy of the body Overload Principle – Operating at a ________________________, thus forcing the body to adapt and function more efficiently Principle of Projection– __________ ____________ the amounts of exercise to improve your fitness Principle of Specificity – Different kinds of exercises work on different areas of _________

27 Need for Physical Activity Muscle Building ______________________ _____________ Sedentary Society Weight Control ____________________

28 Fitness for Life Ways to increase physical activity –_________________ –Formal Act Warm-upExercise Cool Down –_________________

29 Fitness for Life Continued How to Maximize Success? –_______________ –Variety –_______________ –Keep charts –Safety –“Buddy System” –_______________ Benefits of Fitness –Feel better about yourself –_______________ –RBC carry more O2 –Increase stroke volume of heart –_______________ –Muscle tone –_______________ –Decrease hear disease

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