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Please sit in the table marked for your subject area.

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Presentation on theme: "Please sit in the table marked for your subject area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please sit in the table marked for your subject area.

2  Create the tallest tower that you can with the materials in your bag.  Work as a team.  You cannot talk.  You have 4 minutes. Good luck!

3 …We are AWESOME!!!!

4 On your phone or laptop- 1. Go to: 2. Enter the room number: 525464

5  Our charter schools are part of the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) Charter Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).  This means we do not belong to San Francisco, Hayward or Oakland Unified School Districts for the purposes of providing special education.  New students are processed as Inter-District Transfers and each student transferring to our school will have an IEP meeting in the first thirty days of the student’s attendance.

6  Charters schools that are an Independent Local Education Agency (LEA) under its state’s law, that charter school bears the exact same legal requirements for providing special education services as any other LEA (or district).

7 El Dorado County Office of Education Charter School Organization Individual School SELPA- Special Education Local Plan Area Each school operates as it’s own LEA- Local Education Agency Contracts with the SELPA.Our Special Education Department unifies all the sites and provides guidance to each school site.

8 1. Our school operates as it’s own Local Education Agency. So, a) We cannot tell students with disabilities not to come to our school because we are a charter. b) We must be collaborative to find ways to provide special education services in house. c) We cannot use the resources in San Francisco Unified School District.

9  The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services.

10 1. Individual Education Program (IEP) 2. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) 3. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) 4. Parent and Student Participation in Decision Making 5. Appropriate Evaluation 6. Procedural Safeguards

11  Refers to the IEP meeting AND the legal document  IEP Meeting Annual IEP and Triennial IEP Parents can request an IEP meeting at any time  IEP Document Individualized program for the benefit of the student Constantly changing

12 1. General Education teachers provide feedback for the IEP meeting and attend the IEP meeting for the entirety (if you are the general education teacher on record). If there is an issue, you can a) Get another teacher to sub (let the LS know first) b) Ask the LS if you can be excused for a portion of the meeting. c) Leave and show up to the meeting whenever is convenient to you. d) A & B.

13  In the public school system, every student with a disability who qualifies for an IEP must receive individualized services that are appropriate to the unique needs of the student at no cost to the parent. * Reflected in Accommodations/Modifications

14  Children with Disabilities are to be with their non-disabled peers to the greatest extent possible.  An IEP team must always consider placement in general education classroom first.

15  We had a student with an IEP for ADHD who really struggled with behavior in class. Consistently up out of seat. Family meetings each week. Issues would arise in class because he would intrude upon people’s personal space. Teachers were frustrated. As a school we A) told him and his family that he had to transfer B) Reshaped his IEP and came up with different solutions in the general education classroom. C) Structured for him to have multiple TLC periods.

16 Least Restrictive (Full Inclusion) In classes all day with accommodations. Sees LS about 1-2 times a week. Services are in the general education classroom (including LS time) - In classes all day with some in class and out of general education classroom support Sees LS more than 2 times a week. Most Restrictive Student is receiving modified curriculum Receives services in TLC Independent Study

17  Parents have a right to be in the meeting.  Students must be in meetings  Receive notification of meeting  Request rescheduling  Consent to evaluation or release of information about child.

18  Evaluation is to assess eligibility for Special Education  No single test can be used. Use a variety of assessment tools from student, parents and educators.  All decisions are IEP team decisions.

19 TOPIC: Attending IEP meetings & Preparing for IEP meetings Answer these questions: 1. What is our process at our school for _______? 2. What did it look like for you last year? 3. Why does this connect to implementing IDEA?

20  History/ Arts: Teacher Meetings with Learning Specialist  Science: Unit Plan development  English/Math: Grading for students with IEPs Answer these questions: 1. What is our process at our school for _______? 2. Why does this connect to implementing IDEA? 3. What is one way it could improve for this year?

21 On your phone or laptop- 1. Go to: 2. Enter the room number: 525464 3. Start Quiz

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