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MASKS. Roland Groves What is a mask? A mask is an article normally worn on the face, typically for protection, concealment, performance, or amusement.

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Presentation on theme: "MASKS. Roland Groves What is a mask? A mask is an article normally worn on the face, typically for protection, concealment, performance, or amusement."— Presentation transcript:


2 Roland Groves

3 What is a mask? A mask is an article normally worn on the face, typically for protection, concealment, performance, or amusement. Masks have been used since antiquity for both ceremonial and practical purposes. They are usually worn on the face, although they may also be positioned for effect elsewhere on the wearer's body.

4 The Oldest Mask in the World This stone mask from the pre-ceramic neolithic period dates to 7000 BCE and is probably the oldest mask in the world (Musée de la bible et Terre Sainte )

5 Research & Plan : Research how and why masks were made for contemporary use and historical use. Examine various cultural mask. Begin to plan your own mask design. – You choose the visual components – You choose your own personal meaning You must incorporate two POD (Principles of Design) & Color Scheme

6 Your design will need to incorporate at least two of the Principles of Design: Contrast Emphasis (AKA Focal Point) Movement Pattern (Repetition of the same elements) Rhythm (Repetition of similar elements – creates movement) Unity/Harmony Your mask will have balance, but this will be in addition to the other principles of design Balance (Formal, Informal, Radial)

7 Your mask will incorporate one color scheme – notes in your iPad Color Schemes: Value, Shade, Tint Intensity Color interaction Color Key Symbolic Color Monochromatic Complementary Warm/Cool colors Analogous

8 African

9 China

10 Korea


12 Native American


14 Mexican

15 Animal Options



18 Mask Website

19 Art 3 Student Demo (Remington – 2015)

20 Art 3 Student Demo (Kellie – 2015)




24 RJ Funk & Paige Russell






30 2015 – Mask Story Critique

31 2015 - Masks

32 STEPS TO MAKING A MASK MOLD… 1.Pull hair up and out of the face. 2.Place copious amounts of Vaseline on your face, chin and hairline. 3.Meanwhile, your partner is getting wet paper towels and strips. 4.Lay down on table. 5.Place wet paper towels on the eyes. 6.Begin placing strips on the face. 7.Be sure to rub your finger making a circular motion after you lay each piece down. 8.DO NOT place plaster over the nose holes or on the lips. 9.BREATHE OUT OF YOUR NOSE! 10.No laughing or moving or you’ll mess up your mask! 11.Let rest for 15 minutes. 12.I will peel it off of the face. 13.Place it on a newspaper with the student’s name on it. 14.Place it in the back room. 15.Wash off your face and hairline. 16.Clean up the tables!!!! 17.Check the floors!!!!

33 Mask plan checklist from worksheet Detailed Thumbnail Sketch Cultural Reference or Personal Meaning Reference Principle of Design Color Scheme Embellishment Plan

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