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Methods. Wow, this is science…  Research question  Form a hypothesis  Testing  Analyze results  Draw conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods. Wow, this is science…  Research question  Form a hypothesis  Testing  Analyze results  Draw conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods

2 Wow, this is science…  Research question  Form a hypothesis  Testing  Analyze results  Draw conclusions

3 How to collect information: Testing  Survey Method  Populations and Samples  Selecting Samples  Generalization  Volunteer Bias

4 Observation  Testing Method  Case-Study Method  Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Methods  Naturalistic-Observation Method  Laboratory-Observation Method

5 Analyzing Observations  Correlation : a measure of how closely one thing is related to another. The stronger the correlation, the more closely they are related.  e.g. Shoe size and IQ  Positive or negative  Stress & health, Alcohol consumption & inhibition?  DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION!

6 Experimentation  Variables  Independent variable (IV) = manipulated  Dependent variable (DV) = measured  e.g. Fish food & sluggish fish  Groups  Experimental = receives treatment  Control = doesn’t receive treatment  Fish food…  Placebo : a substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person’s belief in it  Single Blind Study  Double Blind Study

7 Ethics  Promote Dignity of the individual, foster human welfare, and maintain scientific integrity  American Psychological Association (APA)  Confidentiality  Informed consent  Deception  When they believe that the benefits outweigh harm, that the individual might have been willing, or receive an explanation afterwards

8 Animal Research  Easier, cost effective  e.g. maze running  When they cannot be ethically done with people  e.g. brain studies  When no other option, and benefit outweighs harm  Strict rules and regulations  e.g. species selection, review of study, etc.

9 Data Ethics  Be objective  Willingness to discard a disproven hypothesis

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