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The hobbit.

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1 The hobbit

2 Chapter 1: an unexpected journey
1. Who is Bilbo Baggins? Bilbo Baggins is the central character in the novel and is in fact a hobbit.  He is the grown son of Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins and until the arrival of Gandalf was leading a very comfortable lifestyle in his hole (home) in the ground. 2. Give a brief description of a hobbit. Descriptions will vary.   Hobbits are beardless little people about half the size of humans.  They possess no magic to speak of other than to disappear quickly when Big People are about.  They are also fat in the stomach and like to dress in bright colours but they wear no shoes as their feet are furry with leathery soles. 3. Discuss the significance of the name Belladonna. The word has a double meaning.  On the one hand it refers to a highly poisonous plant while literally translated it means beautiful or fair lady. 4. What did Gandalf claim to be looking for when he arrived on Bilbo's doorstep? Gandalf, the wizard, told Bilbo he was looking for someone to share with in an adventure.

3 Chapter 1 5. What does Gandalf do with the spike on his staff just before leaving Bilbo's home? Gandalf uses the spike to scratch a strange sign or symbol on Bilbo's front door. The reader discovers that Gandalf has actually made a secret mark so the dwarves will know where to go 6. Who began to arrive at Bilbo's home the next day for tea? Although Bilbo had invited only Gandalf to tea, thirteen dwarves arrived at the Baggins' home the next day for tea 7. Give proof that Gandalf has knocked very hard on Bilbo's front door. Gandalf knocks so hard that he leaves a dent in the door while with the same knock the wizard removes the secret sign that he had left there the morning before 8. List the instruments the dwarves used to accompany their songs. The instruments included: little fiddles, flutes, drum, viols, and Thorin's beautiful golden harp 9. What indication is there that Thorin is the leader of the dwarves? Thorin chairs the meeting and explains to the others the gravity of the situation. He informs those gathered that they may not all return from their journey or adventure.

4 Chapter 1 10. Explain why Bilbo lets out a horrible shriek and begins to shake like jelly Bilbo realizes that should he accompany the others on their journey, he might perish never to return. 11. What does Gandalf threaten to do if the assembled dwarves refuse to accept his choice of Bilbo Baggins as the fourteenth man for their expedition? Gandalf threatens to leave the dwarves with only thirteen for their expedition thus ensuring bad luck. 12. According to Thorin what had happened to his family's wealth? Thorin's family fortune had been amassed through mining but vanished overnight when Smaug, a dragon, stole all their jewels and gold and slaughtered most of the dwarves before they could escape.

5 Chapter 2: roast mutton 1.What evidence is there that Bilbo Baggins hasn't just been dreaming about a party? (2) Bilbo thinks he might have been imagining the party until he notices the mess in the dining room and the stacks of unwashed dishes. 2.What indication is there in the note left by Thorin and Company that the adventure or quest may prove to be perilous for Bilbo? (2) The note states that funeral expenses for Bilbo will be defrayed if necessary. 3. Who do the dwarves notice has gone missing? (1) The dwarves comment that Gandalf has gone missing.  The reader discovers towards the end of chapter two that Gandalf has gone ahead to scout (reconnaissance) out the route. 4. Describe what Bilbo Baggins sees as he approaches the red light. (2) Bilbo Baggins realizes that the red light is actually a fire around which three trolls (large persons) are sitting as they roast mutton on spits of wood.

6 Chapter two: roast mutton
5. Explain the humour in the expression, "I cook better than I cook.“ (2) The first cook refers to Bilbo's culinary skills while the second refers to him finding himself in a bit of a stew, cooked for the Troll's dinner. 6. Explain what happens to the dwarves as they come to Bilbo's aid. (1) They find themselves caught by the trolls and placed in sacks. 7. How does Gandalf use his powers on Bert and Tom and William? (2) Gandalf mimics the trolls voices causing them to think they are arguing with one another. This continues until dawn when the trolls are suddenly turned to stone, "for trolls must be underground before dawn". 8. How did Gandalf finally manage to open the big stone door leading to the trolls' cave? (1) Gandalf wasn't having much luck opening the door even when resorting to incantations. Bilbo finally spoke up and offered Gandalf a key which he claimed to have found on the ground where the trolls had been fighting. 9. What did Gandalf and Thorin each take from the cave? ( 2) Each of them took a beautiful sword which they were attracted to because of their beautiful scabbards and jewelled hilts. Although there were runes etched on the blades, they were unable to decipher them.

7 Chapter three: a short rest
1. According to Gandalf, what lay hidden somewhere not too far ahead of the travellers? Gandalf informed the adventurers that the fair valley of Rivendell, home to Elrond, lay not too far ahead. He informed the party that they were expected as he had sent a message ahead with one of his friends. 2. Who was Elrond? Elrond was the great chief elf. He possessed some important skills including the ability to interpret runes (see introduction for explanation) which were etched on the blades of the swords found in the trolls' caves. From these runes Elrond was able to tell that the swords had been made by the High Elves from the West and that they probably came from Goblin's plunder or dragon's hordes

8 Chapter three: a short rest
3. Explain moon letters. Moon letters are actually rune letters that can only be seen when the moon shines behind them. Some of them can only be seen when the moon has the same shape and is in the same season as when they were written. These special letters were invented by dwarves and were written with silver pens. 4. What is Durin's Day? Durin's Day is the first day of the last moon of the Autumn just before Winter or the first day of the dwarves' New Year.

9 Chapter 4: Over Hill and Under Hill
1. Explain how the dwarves and the hobbit were able to find their way up the treacherous mountain. The travellers were assisted by the wise advice of Elrond and the knowledge and memory of Gandalf. 2. What did Tolkien mean by a thunder-battle? The author simply meant that a thunder-battle occurred when two fierce storms collided 3. Describe what the stone-giants were doing. The stone-giants were hurling rocks at one another for sport. 4. What indication is there that the cave might not be safe? The reader becomes suspicious immediately when the two youngest dwarves, Fili and Kili, only had enough time to give a cursory glance at the caves. Furthermore, the wizard, Gandalf, knew that caves in the mountains were seldom unoccupied.

10 Chapter four: over hill and under hill
5. Summarize Bilbo's dream that evening. Bilbo dreamt that an expanding crack had appeared in the rear wall of the cave. As the floor collapsed he began sliding down into some unknown place. Bilbo quickly realized there was some element of truth to his dream 6. Why was it fortunate that Bilbo had accompanied the dwarves into the cave? When Bilbo sensed danger he managed to let out a yell which warned Gandalf of the impending threat from the goblins. 7. What happened when the crack in the wall snapped shut? When the crack in the wall snapped shut, the dwarves and Bilbo found themselves on the wrong side of the wall.

11 Chapter 4: over hill and under hill
8. Explain how the horses, ponies and donkeys all disappeared. The goblins cooked and ate the unfortunate animals. 9. Why were the Great Goblin and many of his soldiers so upset when they saw Thorin's sword? They recognized the sword as one that had killed hundreds of goblins. It was sometimes referred to as the Orcrist or Goblin-cleaver while the goblins simply referred to it as Biter. The goblins hated the sword and anyone that carried it. 10. Who came to the rescue of the dwarves and what weapon did they use? Gandalf suddenly appeared with the other sword known as Glamdring the Foehammer. The goblins hated it worse than Thorin's sword and they referred to it as the Beater. 11. What happens to Bilbo at the end of this chapter? Bilbo falls from Dori's shoulders striking his head on a hard rock and rendering himself unconscious. (It would not be the last time that Bilbo was knocked unconscious by a rock)

12 Chapter 5: riddles in the dark
1. Why was Bilbo so frightened when he regained consciousness? (1) The hobbit wasn't sure what was happening as he was unable to see, hear or feel anything at first. 2. What does Bilbo find as he crawls blindly along the floor of the tunnel? (1) Bilbo discovers a tiny cold metal ring that he immediately places in his pocket. Tolkien informs the reader that the ring is a turning point in Bilbo's career indicating that it must be of great significance. Later the reader discovers that the ring can make its wearer invisible. Bilbo uses it on numerous occasions during the story. 3. Why was Bilbo comforted by his dagger or small sword? (1) Bilbo had observed earlier that these types of elvish weapons made a great impression on the goblins who came upon them suddenly. In essence, the goblins were in fear of such objects.

13 Ch.5: riddles in the dark 4. How was Bilbo able to see in the darkness? (1) His dagger emitted a faint glimmer which enabled him to see albeit rather faintly 5. Why was Bilbo reluctant to wade in the water? (1) Bilbo didn't know how to swim. 6. Who is Gollum and where does he live? (2) Gollum is a strange creature that lives in the darkness on a slimy island of rock in the middle of the underground lake. He enjoyed eating meat including fish and even goblins when he could get them 7. Explain the basic rules of the riddle game. (2) Gollum and Bilbo (reluctantly) agree to pose riddles to one another. If Gollum loses he must lead Bilbo to safety but if he wins he gets to eat the hobbit.

14 Riddles in the dark 8. Explain the power of Gollum's ring (2) The golden ring when worn on your finger renders you invisible. Only when exposed to sunlight could one catch a faint glimpse of the individual's shadow. 9. Why did Gollum hurry right past Bilbo? (1) Bilbo inadvertently slipped the ring on his forefinger and became invisible 10. Explain how Gollum unexpectedly aids the hobbit in his escape. (1) Gollum thinks that Bilbo has gone on ahead and unknowingly leads the hobbit to the exit. 11. Why are the goblins reluctant to pursue Bilbo Baggins once he is outside? (2) The goblins have a strong aversion to sunlight as it makes their legs wobbly and their heads giddy

15 Chapter 6: out of the frying pan into the fire
1. What did Bilbo Baggins intend to do if he was unable to find Gandalf or the dwarves? (1) Bilbo felt that if he was unable to locate his fellow adventurers that he should return to look for them even if it meant putting his own life in jeopardy. 2. What did the dwarves want to do when there was no sign of Bilbo? (1) Despite Gandalf's protestations, the dwarves argued that it was Bilbo's own fault for getting separated from the others and that they, the dwarves, should simply continue on their adventure without him especially as he created more problems than he solved. This makes an interesting contrast with Bilbo who is willing to risk his own life to help the dwarves 3. How might you use the power of the golden ring if you possessed it? (1) Answers will vary but some students will quickly realize the temptation to use the ring for "evil" as opposed to more "virtuous" pursuits. "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

16 out of the frying pan into the fire
4. Why did Gandalf encourage the adventurers to hurry on their way? (1) It was getting dark and the goblins came out after dark. 5. What noise did they hear as they stepped into the clearing? (1) They heard a long shuddering howl coming from the wolves who had gathered together to howl at the moon. 6. Explain the significance of the title of this chapter. (3) The expression means "Escaping one dangerous situation only to find yourself in a similar or worse predicament". Thus the fire would be worse than being in a frying pan. However, according to the narrator, the original proverb stated, "Escaping goblins to be caught by wolves" which is exactly what is happening to this little troop of adventurers.

17 out of the frying pan into the fire
7. Why would the ring not protect Bilbo from the wolves (Wargs)? (1) Wolves (known as wild Wargs) had a keener sense of smell than the goblins and so could find their prey without having to actually see them. 8. Who helped Bilbo escape into the tree? (1) Dori, one of the dwarves, climbed down from the tree to allow the shorter Bilbo to stand on his back and climb into the tree. Dori only just barely escaped one of the wolves who snapped at his cloak. 9. Why did the wolves alert the goblins to the adventurers who are hiding in the trees? (1) They know that the goblins, unlike Wargs (wolves), are able to climb trees. 10. Who rescued the party of adventurers from their perilous position in the trees? (1) The Lord of the Eagles led his fellow birds as they plucked the trapped adventurers from the treetops with their talons and carried them to safety.

18 Chapter 7: Queer Lodgings
1. Why did Bilbo pinch the eagle?(1) Bilbo was quite frightened while riding on the eagle's back and no doubt was simply hanging on too tightly thus inadvertently pinching the eagle 2. What announcement caused the dwarves to moan and Bilbo to weep? (1) Gandalf,the wizard, announced that he would no longer be able to accompany the party of adventurers on their journey 3. According to Gandalf what are two possibilities explaining the origin of Beorn? (2) Gandalf explains that Beorn might either be a bear descended from the great and ancient bears of the mountains or that he may be a man descended from the first men who lived before the time of Smaug. Regardless he is able to assume the skin (body) of a huge black bear or that of a man whenever he desires 4. How does Gandalf prove himself to be a great manipulator when he is talking to Beorn? (1) Gandalf realizes that Beorn doesn't normally invite people into his house especially such a large number. To outmaneuver him Gandalf starts telling their tale to Beorn allowing for frequent interruptions both to introduce a couple of new dwarves at a time and to maintain the host's interest

19 Chapter 7: Queer Lodgings
5. What information did Beorn glean in his travels to the wolf-glade? (2) Beorn captured a Warg and a goblin and they in turn told Beorn that the Wargs (wolves) and goblins were very upset about the killing of the Great Goblin and the burning of the chief wolf's nose. They also informed Beorn that a search party had been formed in order to hunt down the dwarves and take their revenge. 6. What gruesome sight did Beorn reveal to the adventurers when asked by Bilbo what had happened to the captured wolf and goblin? (2) Beorn revealed the head of the goblin stuck outside the gate while the skin of the wolf was nailed to a tree just beyond. 7. What warning does Beorn give the travellers about proceeding through Mirkwood? (2) Beorn warns the travellers not to drink from the enchanted stream as it causes drowsiness and forgetfulness and most importantly the band of adventurers must not stray from the path or their journey will be frought with peril.

20 Chapter 7: Queer Lodgings
8. What shadowy form did Bilbo think he had seen on the third evening of their journey? (1) Bilbo was convinced he had seen the shadowy form of a great bear prowling along in the same direction as the travellers.  Gandalf later alludes to Beorn accompanying them on this part of their journey to insure the safety of his much beloved ponies. 9. What were Gandalf's final cautionary words as he bade farewell to the dwarves and Bilbo?(1) The wizard, reiterated Beorn's warning.  Thus Gandalf's final message was simply, "Don't leave the path!"

21 Chapter 8: flies and spiders
1. Why were the travellers unable to cross over the stream by bridge? (1) The bridge had rotted and collapsed forcing the travellers to cross the stream by boat which they first had to retrieve from the opposite bank through the use of a rope. 2. Describe what happened to Bombur as he was about to step into the boat. (2) A wild deer (hart) jumped over Bombur's head throwing the dwarf off balance and causing him to tumble into the enchanted stream. Bombur immediately fell asleep and would have drowned were it not for the quick actions of his travelling companions. 3. Explain how Bombur's unfortunate incident slowed their travels (1) As Bombur had fallen asleep, it was necessary for the others to carry him. 4. Explain why Bilbo and the dwarves strayed from the path. (3) Despite the warnings of the wizard and Beorn, the party of travellers had found themselves without food. After much discussion they finally agreed to leave the path in pursuit of lights they had spotted in the distance hoping to find food. Each time they approached the lights, the lights were quickly extinguished until the travellers found themselves completely lost and disoriented and well off the path.

22 Chapter 8: flies and spiders
5. What did Bilbo discover was happening to him when he awoke? (1) Bilbo woke just in time to discover that the great spider had been tying him up as he slept. The hobbit quickly fought back and managed to kill the spider with his sword. 6. Explain the transformation of Bilbo Baggins' character as he renames his sword Sting. (2) Bilbo has found an inner strength perhaps because for the first time he has not only defended himself but has actually vanquished his foe unaided. 7. Why is Bilbo horrified when he stumbles upon the dwarves in a dark part of the Mirkwood forest? (1) The dwarves have all be wrapped in webs and are hanging like cocoons from the tree branches waiting to be devoured by the huge spiders. 8. Explain why Bilbo was so adroit at throwing stones. (1) Bilbo had spent much of his childhood hunting small game with stones and he also played the type of games that required him to develop and refine his aiming skills

23 Chapter 8: flies and spiders
9. Summarize Bilbo's rescue of the dwarves. (3) Bilbo first threw stones at the spiders to get their attention and then proceeded to lead them off on a wild goose chase. Later he backtracked to the dwarves and managed to cut them free. Even with his magic ring, Bilbo had to exercise caution as the spiders at one point made a fence from their webs forcing Bilbo to slice through it with his sword 10. What do the dwarves discover when they take a headcount? (1) The dwarves discover that Thorin is missing but they are unaware that he has been captured by the Wood-elves and thrown into a dungeon for refusing to co-operate.

24 Chapter 9: barrels out of bond
1. Where did the Wood-elves take their captives? (1) The Wood-elves escorted their prisoners to the palace of the Elvenking for interrogation. 2. How did the dwarves react to their interrogation by the Elvenking? (1) The dwarves became surly and angry and refused to reveal their destination or the purpose of their journey. 3. What does the Elvenking order his men to do? (1) Angered by the dwarves refusal to talk, he orders they be taken to the dungeon and placed in separate cells until at least one of them reveals their plans 4. How did Bilbo learn that Thorin was being kept captive in the dungeon? (2) Bilbo who had worn the disappearing ring since the day the dwarves had been captured, was free to tour the palace without being detected. One day he overheard a guard talking about another dwarf in the prison. Baggins immediately surmised that it must have been Thorin.

25 Chapter 9: barrels out of bond
5. Who played a key role in the escape of the dwarves from prison? (1) Bilbo once again played a pivotal role in rescuing the dwarves from a serious predicament. Bilbo stole the keys from the guards after they had consumed some very potent wine and immediately unlocked the cell doors of each dwarf including Thorin. 6. Briefly describe their final departure from the palace. ( 2) Bilbo informed the dwarves about the empty barrels that were dumped into the river on a regular basis to be floated downstream to Lake Town. Seizing the opportunity Bilbo placed all the dwarves in individual barrels or casks realizing too late that nobody was left to place him in a barrel. Losing no time he grabbed onto one of the last barrels dumped by the elves into the river and rode astride the barrel until he and his fellow travellers had floated to safety

26 Chapter 10: a warm welcome
1. Describe the scene as Bilbo approaches the region where the trees ended. (2) The little hobbit noticed the Lonely Mountain in the distance and he was struck by its ominous dark peak rising into the clouds. Later in the chapter the narrator mentions that Baggins felt the Lonely Mountain was frowning at him in a threatening manner. 2. Describe the strange town at the mouth of the Forest River. (2) The town was built on piles away from the shore. It was protected from the swirling river by a promontory of rock which also formed a safe harbour. To reach it one must cross a great wooden bridge stretching from the shore to the town of wood on the water 3. What strange creatures inhabited the town? (1) For the first time in the novel the reader encounters men-- human beings! 4. Why did the guards at Lake-town not keep a very careful watch?(1) There really wasn't any need as they were on friendly terms with the elves and anyone else that might have posed a threat lived far away. The dragon was obviously not considered a threat as many of the younger people didn't even believe that it existed

27 Chapter 10: a warm welcome
5. Why were the raft-men elves so astonished at the appearance of the dwarves? (1) The elves did not realize that the dwarves had escaped and they were quick to accuse them of sneaking through their woods and annoying the other elves. 6. Why does the Master relinquish his own great chair to Thorin despite the fact that he is not completely convinced that the dwarf is who he claims to be? (2) Although somewhat dubious about his visitor's claims, the Master is overwhelmed by the excitement of the townspeople and like any good politician decides for the moment to obey the clamour and at the very least pretend to believe Thorin's claims 7. How appropriate is the title of this chapter? (1) If anything the title is modest in its appraisal of the townspeople's welcome. The citizens of Land-town fed, housed, and pampered the party of adventurers. They placed boats and rowers at their disposal and cheered whenever the dwarves showed their faces (or even their noses) in public. Finally, they sang not only old songs but composed new ones to celebrate the adventures of the dwarves.

28 Chapter 10: a warm welcome
8. How did the Elvenking respond to the news of the dwarves' plans to slay the dragon, Smaug, and capture his treasure? (1) The Elvenking mused that no treasure would pass through Mirkwood without him having a say in the matter. The king believed that the real intent of the travelling vagabonds was burglary and that they would all probably come to a bad end 9. Who was the only person thoroughly unhappy the day of the departure? (1) Bilbo was the only one unhappy because he could not erase from his mind his initial impression of their eventual destination, the foreboding and dark Lonely Mountain.

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