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Autumn Wagoner, LISW.  A category of mental disorders in which the underlying problem affects a person’s persistent mood.  Mood disorders have periods.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn Wagoner, LISW.  A category of mental disorders in which the underlying problem affects a person’s persistent mood.  Mood disorders have periods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn Wagoner, LISW

2  A category of mental disorders in which the underlying problem affects a person’s persistent mood.  Mood disorders have periods of behaviors or “episodes”  Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Cyclothymic Disorder, Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD), Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

3  Depressive  Manic  Mixed  Hypomanic

4  Most common mental disorders in the United States (NIMH)  In 2014, an estimated 10.2 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in the past year with severe impairment. This number represented 4.3% of all U.S. adults. (NIMH)  Can have a co-occurring illness w/ Anxiety disorders, alcohol/substance abuse, or serious medical conditions/chronic illnesses

5  Depressed mood or loss of interest/pleasure in most activities  Changes in appetite and/or weight  Changes in sleep; sleep disturbances or insomnia  Increase in fatigue; decrease in energy  Changes in psychomotor activity; slowness or restlessness  Feelings of worthlessness or guilt  Difficulties thinking and/or concentrating  Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideations, plans, or attempts

6 AHM4&feature=player_detailpage -What did you notice? -What were your thoughts?

7  Also known as manic-depressive illness  2 types: Bipolar 1 & Bipolar II  Occurrence of one or more manic episodes, mixed episodes, or depressive episodes

8 Symptoms of mania or a manic episode include: Mood Changes  A long period of feeling "high," or an overly happy or outgoing mood  Extreme irritability Behavioral Changes  Talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another, having racing thoughts  Being easily distracted  Increasing activities, such as taking on new projects  Being overly restless  Sleeping little or not being tired  Having an unrealistic belief in one's abilities  Behaving impulsively and engaging in pleasurable, high-risk behaviors

9 Symptoms of depression or a depressive episode include: Mood Changes  An overly long period of feeling sad or hopeless  Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, including sex. Behavioral Changes  Feeling tired or "slowed down"  Having problems concentrating, remembering, and making decisions  Being restless or irritable  Changing eating, sleeping, or other habits  Thinking of death or suicide, or attempting suicide.

10  Have had at least 1 major depressive episode lasting at least 2 weeks and at least 1 hypomanic episode lasting at least 4 days  People with Bipolar II often have more depressive episodes than hypomanic  Hypomania is a less severe form of mania

11  Chronic fluctuating mood disorder  Emotional ups and downs that are not as extreme as Bipolar I or Bipolar II  Can typically function in daily life, though not always well

12  Chronic and mildly depressed mood that occurs most of the day, more days than not for at least 2 years.  Not as severe as Major Depressive Disorder  Mood usually described as sad or “down in the dumps”

13  Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) ◦ Severe and disabling premenstrual disorder that can cause extreme mood shifts ◦ Symptoms include: sadness/hopelessness, anxiety or tension, extreme moodiness, marked irritability or anger

14  Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) ◦ Severe & recurrent temper outbursts that are out of proportion to the situation at hand. ◦ Moods in between outbursts are persistent anger and irritability.

15  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) ◦ Type of depression related to changes in the season ◦ Subtype of Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar ◦ Difficult to diagnose as symptoms are similar to other depression or mental health issues

16  Simply ask, “How are you doing?”  Education on mental health (normalizing to decrease negative stigma)  Addressing behavioral concerns: Could identify/recognize barriers to clients treatment  Education on correlation of medical health and mental health

17 ◦ Evidence-based treatment that addresses ambivalence to change ◦ DARN-C (Change talk)  Desire: People first talk about what they want to do  Ability: How they could change  Reasons: Why they would change  Need: How important it is to change  Commitment: Statements about the likelihood of change ***To learn more about MI: please go to

18  Coleman Behavioral Health  Portage Path Behavioral Health  Community Support Services  Greenleaf Family Counseling  Pastoral Counseling  Summa Psychiatry  Summit Psychological Association  Community Health Center  Child Guidance & Family Solutions  Mature Services  Minority Behavioral Health  Blick Clinic  Ohio Guidestone  Infoline (211)  Charak Center for Health & Wellness

19 References  Case Western Reserve University, Center for Evidence-Based Practices. Motivational Interviewing. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  Mayo Clinic Staff. Diseases and Conditions: Bipolar Disorder. (2015, February 10). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  Mayo Clinic Staff. Diseases and Conditions: Cyclothymia, cyclothymic disorder. (2015, June 4). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  Mayo Clinic Staff. Persistent Depressive Disorder, dysthymia. (2015, December 19). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  Mayo Clinic Staff. Disease and Conditions: Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD. (2014, September 12). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL 20021047 20021047  National Institute of Mental Health. Bipolar Disorder. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  National Institute of Mental Health. Depression. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  American Psychiatric Association. DMS-5 Development. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Fact Sheet. (2014). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  Child Mind Institute. Mental Health Guide. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2016 from URL  Rollnick, S., Miller, W.R., & Butler, C.C., (Eds.). (2008). Practicing Motivational Interviewing. In Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior (pp. 33-43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

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