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The Carbon Cycle Dajah Turner Brittany Cousins (Also known as the carbonithe cycle)

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Presentation on theme: "The Carbon Cycle Dajah Turner Brittany Cousins (Also known as the carbonithe cycle)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Carbon Cycle Dajah Turner Brittany Cousins (Also known as the carbonithe cycle)

2 How Carbon Travels through Trophic Levels Like other elements Carbon travels through a trophic level through producers and consumers. Producers obtain the element through the atmosphere from the photosynthesis. Consumers obtain them by eating producers Decomposers obtain them by eating dead producers, consumers, and their waste products. Through decomposition the element converts back into a form that is available again.

3 Carbon is the most important element in living organisms; it makes up 20% of their total body weight Carbon is the basis of the long chains of organic molecules that form the membranes and walls of cells, constitutes the backbone of proteins, and stores energy for later *** Only few molecules in organisms do not contain carbon***

4 The Carbon cycle There are six processes the drive the Carbon cycle 1. Photosynthesis- producers convert carbon into sugar 2.Respiration- Sugars is converted back to carbon 3.Sedimentation and burial - some carbon is buried 4.Extraction- Human extraction of fossil fuels brings carbon to earth’s surface, where it can be combusted. 5.Exchange- carbon in the atmosphere and carbon dissolved in water are constantly exchanged 6.Combustion- converts fossil fuels and plant materials into carbon


6 Here Is A Video explaining the Carbon Cycle om/watch?v=U3SZKJ VKRxQ

7 Abiotic and Biotic Factors Organisms eat plants, which is comprised of carbohydrates; those carbohydrates come from Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, an abiotic factor (carbon dioxide) helps create a biotic factor (the plants made out of carbohydrates). Once cellular respiration starts in the organism, it releases Carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, and the cycle repeats.

8 Human Impacts on the Carbon Cycle Humans impact the carbon cycle by engaging in the combustion of any type of fossil fuel. Humans burn coal, oil and natural gas. This releases carbon dioxide and other water molecules into the air. Humans produce between 3 and 6% of all carbon dioxide emissions. Natural carbon sources produce much larger quantities than mankind, but this is offset by the vast natural carbon sinks that remove CO2 from the air.

9 POP Quiz 1. What is the percentage of carbon in a organisms total body weight? 2. What are the six processes in the carbon cycle? 3. What human activities affect the carbon cycle? 4. Name one abiotic and biotic factor in the carbon cycle. 5. What percent of carbon dioxide do humans release into the atmosphere? 6. What is another name for the carbon cycle?

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