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Annie Speaking Insight – pg. 130 Practice Test #2 Art Drawing.

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1 Annie Speaking Insight – pg. 130 Practice Test #2 Art Drawing

2 Drawings have the ability to stimulate certain moods and feeling for the person who views them. This is especially for infants, whose language isn’t yet developed, but they have a very keen sense of vision. Although verbal language is taught to children, pictures associated with the language education have been found to be more effective. Children tend to be more attentive to books that have color illustrations than books that have only written text.

3 Note – Taking - Reading Main Topic: Drawings Main Idea: 1) Stimulate mood and feeling 2) Effective with pictures – learn language

4 Listening Script As children grow and develop, they are taking in information and acquiring knowledge at a rapid pace. As children develop their cognitive abilities, they assimilate new information into their existing knowledge base and adjust to the new information by accommodating it to what they already know (Piaget, 1954).

5 Listening Script Children’s ideas about how the world works come from the experiences they have and the attitudes and behaviors they see around them. Keeping this in mind, young children with developing minds watch many hours of television, which has a significant influence on their development.

6 Listening Script Positive developmental outcomes for young children during their growing – up years include developing autonomy, initiative, and a sense of industriousness (Eriksson, 1964). Children who witness female characters on television programs who are passive, indecisive, and subordinate to men (and see this reinforced by the environment around them) come to understand this is the appropriate way for females to behave.

7 Listening Script It is less likely for female children to develop autonomy, initiative and industriousness when they rarely see it modeled in those around them. Similarly, because male characters on television programs are more likely to be shown in leadership roles and exhibit assertive, decisive behavior, children learn this is the appropriate way for males to behave.

8 Note – Taking - Listening Main Topic: Child Development Main Idea: 1) learn around them, not through classroom, but through television 2) TV – males learn leadership, exhibit assertive, decisive behavior Females learn to be passive, indecisive, subordinate to men

9 Answer - Introduction The reading passage discusses of drawings, which stimulate certain moods and feelings for people. Infants have very keen sense of vision and verbal language is best taught by color illustration books than a written text.

10 Answer – Body & Conclusion The professor talks about how children are affected by visual media represented on television. Children learn from what they see on television and from the actions of people around them. The professor stated that during children’s developmental stages they are quick to learn and mimic.

11 Answer – Body & Conclusion For example, children who watch television more often are more prone to learn characteristics not taught in classroom settings form watching the roles of TV characters. He also pointed out that children today are watching more television than children from previous generations, which means they are getting more exposure to these characters.

12 Answer – Body & Conclusion The professor believes children have a keen sense of vision which they learn through observing their environment.

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