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PRIMAS: Promoting Brussels, 16/03/2011. Structure The content of the project –Aims –What do we mean by inquiry-based learning (IBL)? –Why IBL & why Primas?

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Presentation on theme: "PRIMAS: Promoting Brussels, 16/03/2011. Structure The content of the project –Aims –What do we mean by inquiry-based learning (IBL)? –Why IBL & why Primas?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRIMAS: Promoting Brussels, 16/03/2011

2 Structure The content of the project –Aims –What do we mean by inquiry-based learning (IBL)? –Why IBL & why Primas? –Multi-Level dissimination plan The general set-up of the project –The team –Schedule –Management

3 THE CONTENT Lifetime of the project: 01/11/2009 – 31/10/2011

4 What is the aim of PRIMAS? Overall aim: A widespread uptake of inquiry-based learning in day-to-day mathematics and science lessons

5 Valued outcomes Inquiring minds Prepared for uncertain future and life long learning Understanding of nature of Science&Math Teacher guidance Values and builds upon students’ reasoning/scaffolding Connects to students’ experience Type of questions Open, multiple solution strategies Experienced as real and/or scientifically relevant What students do Pose questions Inquire / 5 E’s Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Evaluate Collaborate Classroom culture Shared sense of purpose / justification Value mistakes, contributions (Open-minded) Dialogic Shared ownership What do we mean by Inquiry-based learning?


7 What do we mean by inquiry- based learning? Inquiry Based Learning approaches aim at fostering inquiring minds and attitudes in our students. To support teachers we identify four key areas for professional development: Developing tasks that promote inquiry Supporting inquiry strategies and processes Managing collaborative working Understanding making progress in inquiry based learning A question not asked is a door not opened

8 Why inquiry-based learning? In a world which is constantly changing students need to be able to solve unknown problems (applicability of and tranferrable knowledge) and they need to acquire knowledge themselve (self-regulated learning) Students are supposed to develope inquiry minds Students need to gain first-hand insight in the ways scientists work Students can gain a more positive attitude towards mathematics and science

9 Why a project like PRIMAS? However, day-to-day teaching practice often remains unchanged (PISA, Rocard-Report, 2007) European situation  Decreasing number of students who chose to be scientists Consequence: Call of the EU within the 7th framework which addresses this situation Primas is one of the projects which have been selected

10 How can the overall aim be achieved? Problem: Many teachers, students and parents are not familiar with this way of teaching New way of teaching is a challenge Hypothesis: We need a multi-level- dissemination-plan

11 Multi-level-dissemination-plan Dissemination through 1.Tasks and materials 2.Professional development (Long term) 3.Supporting activities for teachers (one-day-events) 4.Advertising inquiry-based learning to parents, students, school authorities etc. 5.Initial teacher training 6.Analysing and involving policy 7.Evaluation (to optimize strategies)

12 Teachers One-day-events Materials Continuous professional development Training of trainers Training of prospective teachers Out-of-school target groups School authorities Teacher training centres Parents Information Society in general Media Politicians Create an atmosphere of change! Main focus on dissemination: Three main strands of dissemination The Primas approach Students One-day-events Information Various activities

13 How to reach as many teachers as possible? The pyramid model

14 Structure The content of the project –Aims –What do we mean by inquiry-based learning (IBL)? –Why IBL & why Primas? –Multi-Level dissimination plan The general set-up of the project –The team –Schedule –Management

15 THE GENERAL SET-UP OF THE PROJECT Lifetime of the project: 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2013

16 The Primas Core Team 14 Institutions out of 12 countries

17 PRIMAS Team For consultancy International expert commitee (8 researchers) National consultancy panel (NCP) (school authorities, teacher associations etc) (10 – 20 persons per country) International consultancy panel (one person from each NCP)

18 Why so many persons? We live in Europe – we live Europe International collaboration is highly interesting Different partners from different countries bring in different expertise Closely working together with school authorities Different statutory requirements in different countries lead to reflexion about them Balance between international work and work on a national level More influence

19 Schedule

20 Management

21 The division of work into the 9 workpackages is highly effective. Work package leaders share the responsibility of the overall project. They prepare and coordinate their sections on the meetings. Decisions are based on discussions which normally lead to agreement. By general agreement, the Workpackage leader and/or ultimately the coordinator may decide (depending on what needs to be decided)

22 Meetings 7-8 times in 4 years + one final conference Each meeting 4 days, in different countries Tight schedule: from 9 am to 6 pm Important: Changing working methods: Plenaries, group work, informal group work Meals & time for meals: Highlight local traditions One excursion (one late afternoon) An external evaluator attends every meeting: –Direct feedback if something can be optimized –Evaluation report – important to prepare the next meeting

23 Want to know more? Visit (Still under construction)


25 For further questions… (Coordinator)

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