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Sirius Academy Study Skills Day Thursday 5 th Novemver.

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Presentation on theme: "Sirius Academy Study Skills Day Thursday 5 th Novemver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sirius Academy Study Skills Day Thursday 5 th Novemver

2 Give out booklets Put your name and form on the front The booklets will be used throughout the day Sections to complete in periods 1 and 2 At the end of the day put your book in your house box in the parkway restaurant Best completed booklets to win a prize

3 Watch the video of the London Olympics Think about 1.What made them successful? 2.How are successful learners similar to them? London 2012 Starter

4 Characteristics of an Olympic athlete How are we similar Characteristics of an effective learner

5 It can be you

6 Maximise your learning potential WILF Identify effective learner characteristics Describe how best to revise and complete homework Apply the study skills in your lessons Use study skills on a regular basis in all lessons WALT

7 What are the most important characteristics? Choose the most important 9 and Rank in order of importance Brings the correct equipment Completes all homework Concentrates in lessons Resilient- doesn’t give up Reflective- learns from experience and mistakes 97% or more attendance Attends revision sessions Willing to learn Joins in group work and discussions in lessons Motivated to achieve the best grades possible Good classroom behaviour

8 How do we learn? How we learn

9 When you are learning remember: This is going to take time Mistakes help me learn better Embrace challenges Effort is the key to success Don’t give up and keep trying

10 Learning Quotes I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I cannot accept not trying. Michael Jordan

11 Learning Quotes Amateurs call it genius. Masters call it practice Thierry Henry

12 Learning Quotes If you don’t give anything, don’t expect anything. Success is not coming to you; you must come to it Marva Collins

13 Learning Quotes People say I’m lucky but, you know, the more I practice the luckier I get Tiger Woods

14 90% of successful people set goals and targets 90% of people who feel they have failed did not set goals and targets Motivation and Goal Setting

15 What are hoping to do upon completing Year 11? What do we need to get there? Our end goal

16 Set yourself 3 Goals 1 to achieve before Christmas (short) 1 to achieve in the next year (medium) 1 to achieve by the time you finish year 11 (long) Your goals

17 Look at the picture what is wrong with this place to revise and complete homework? What should a good revision place look like and why? Where to complete Homework and Revision


19 Too many takeaways- healthy diet improves brain power Studying late at night- if you are tired you remember less Too many distractions- phone and internet Laying on bed- revise best sat up Too much pressure- poster on the wall Untidy- hard to find things Why is it bad?

20 Well lit room No distractions/ quiet area Clock to time revision Table to work at Make sure you have everything you need Where should you work

21 Have regular breaks Have a bottle of water with you, a lit / quiet room on a desk with all equipment to hand. Revise for 20mins then have a 10min break and repeat- Have a focus for your time Plan around up-coming deadlines Use a revision timetable Start now! How to plan revision time to be effective

22 Complete a revision timetable Plan Revision timetable Think about your subjects and plan when are you going to dedicate time to them Be specific- give a time when you will do the work Plan in your extra curricular activities e.g football training, hull city, ice skating etc…

23 DaySubject and aims Time of session / Time completed? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

24 Visual (Looking) - learn best through pictures, mind maps, diagrams, video clips Auditory (listening)- learn best by hearing things Kinaesthetic (doing)- learn best by doing things practically/ in a practical way Complete the questionnaire Types of Learners

25 Mostly A’s= Listening (auditory) Mostly B’s= Looking (visual) Mostly C’s= Doing (kinaesthetic) Effective learners will use a combination of all 3 learning styles when revising and in lessons. What type of learner are you

26 Looking Learners: Maps Posters Charts Spider diagrams Cartoons Summary notes Mental Pictures Mind maps

27 Listening Learners: Record ideas on phone Say keywords aloud Tell another person Make a presentation Get someone to test you. Exchange ideas with your friends Play quiet, relaxing background music.

28 Doing Learners: Walk n’ talk, Draw cartoons, Posters etc., Make a model, Role play/ Drama, Make a Mind Map, Write a story, Annotate diagrams, Make Cue/Flash cards or bookmarks.

29 What to expect now 31 days until the Christmas break Key focuses until then: What do I need to do in the lessons that I haven't been in? Deadlines coming up? Coursework?

30 What do I need to do? Attendance, Behaviour and punctuality- Must get right! Work with teachers not against. Be pro-active- Will it always come to you or do you have to go looking? Dedicate time- Small sacrifice for a long-term goal.

31 Key dates Attendance, Behaviour and punctuality- Must get right! Work with teachers not against. Be pro-active- Will it always come to you or do you have to go looking? Dedicate time- Small sacrifice for a long-term goal.

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