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Pregnancy, birth and infancy. Conception recap What is the term for pregnancy beginning with G? How long can the sperm lie dormant before fertilising.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy, birth and infancy. Conception recap What is the term for pregnancy beginning with G? How long can the sperm lie dormant before fertilising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy, birth and infancy

2 Conception recap What is the term for pregnancy beginning with G? How long can the sperm lie dormant before fertilising the egg? What is the difference between identical and none identical twins?

3 Pregnancy How long is pregnancy? Why do 2 weeks get added on? What age can a foetus survive? What foods should be avoided? Why should smoking and alcohol be avoided?

4 Pregnancy Divided into 3 trimesters First-1-12 weeks Second- 13-26 weeks Third- 27-40 PIES development?

5 Birth What are the signs of labour? How many different types of birth are there?

6 Natural Water Forceps Caesarean section Heather gives birth in the pool | One Born Every Minute Heather gives birth in the pool | One Born Every Minute

7 Stages of labour First stage- Uterus contracts and cervix dilates Second stage- Cervix opens to 10 cm Third stage- placenta is delivered

8 Infancy New-borns (neonates) need milk which is easily digestible – breast milk/ formula The brain is large but not fully developed They can identify smell of mother/ carers

9 Reflexes All babies are born with temporary and primitive reflexes Rooting- turning head if cheek is touched Grasping- holding onto a finger Startle- loud noise can make them throw arms back Walking- held upright with feet touching ground they will try and walk



12 Intellectual development EGOCENTRIC – self-important This means that they can only see the world from their own view. Task -In small groups write down ways in which infants show they are frustrated. -Write down ways in which infants show that they are happy. -Egocentrism - YouTubeEgocentrism - YouTube

13 Language development Noam Chomsky (1959) believed that the ability to sign or speak is genetically programmed into us We have a language recognition device enabling us to recognise and develop languages that we experience Dog Girl - YouTube

14 Emotional development Infants will have a strong bond with their parent or carer Attachment- Bowlby (1953) claimed that infants have an in built need to form an attachment The quality of early attachment will influence someone's ability to cope in later life Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth of Love (Davidson Films, Inc.) - YouTube Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth of Love (Davidson Films, Inc.) - YouTube

15 Social development Infants will generally socialise within the family 5 months they are able to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar faces

16 Social Development Solitary play – playing alone (0-2yrs) Parallel play – by two years infants play near other children but not with them Joining in play – by 2 and a half children join in with others to play but only for a short period of time and they are unable to share. Cooperative play – By 3 years they play with others and can share.

17 Activity In groups research the following theorists: Look at Piaget intellectual development Language development (Chomsky) Summarise key points

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