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Welcome to ELL 8! Teacher: Christina Phaedonos us.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to ELL 8! Teacher: Christina Phaedonos us."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to ELL 8! Teacher: Christina Phaedonos Email:cphaedonos@tenafly.k12.nj. us

2 Introduction My name is Mrs. Phaedonos. I have taught ELL for over twelve years. I have worked on the elementary and middle school levels. Prior to coming to Tenafly, I worked as a teacher in ESL, basic skills, and K-fifth grade. I am looking forward to helping your child learn English. I want to do everything I can to make this year a successful one for your child, so please feel free to e-mail with any questions or concerns you may have. You can stay informed about classroom activities, assignments, and upcoming quizzes/tests by logging onto my profile page on Tenafly’s Fusion Page. It is under construction now!

3 What is E.L.L.?. E.L.L. stands for English Language Learners (some districts still refer to it as ESL = English as a Second Language). ELL is provided to students who speak English as their non-primary language.

4 What is ELL for? The goal of our ELL program is to teach English to students who need help with the language. Students also learn about American culture, holidays, and customs so that they can make an easier transition into a new environment. Its ultimate goal is to teach enough skills so that students will be able to function in their mainstream classes without ELL.

5 What do students do in ELL? There are many activities that students do in ELL. ELL activities are closely tied into what your child learns in their mainstream classes. ELL activities will include hands-on projects, smart board /computer activities, cooperative learning, and independent learning. Some examples of ELL activities include art projects, research using technology, oral presentations, literature and thematic units, guided reading, vocabulary building, grammar, spelling, phonics, reading stories (fiction and nonfiction), writing essays and more.

6 Ms. Phaedonos’ Classroom Rules Come to class prepared with ELL text book and homework. Do not chew gum in class. No cell phones allowed in class. Always be respectful to the teacher and to one another. Raise your hand to ask questions. Please do not call out. Always remember we speak English only in class.

7 Required Materials Tenafly Middle School Planner (given to them in homeroom on the first day) Covered Milestones Textbook Milestones workbook (not covered) Three-ring binder with loose leaf notebook paper Black or Blue Pens and sharpened pencils with an eraser A Bilingual dictionary (paperback preferred for the NJASK test). Please note that if your child does not have one of these items in class, he or she will be considered unprepared.

8 What If My Child Loses Their Book? If your child loses his/her book, please let me know as soon as possible. He/She will need to pay a book fine, and I will issue out a new textbook or workbook. Each student is responsible to keep their textbook (Milestones) in excellent condition. These are brand new books.

9 Homework Your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. I generally do not give homework on the weekends. Homework points will be factored into each marking period grade. Late homework policy: I do not accept late homework. Any homework that is partially done will get half the points. If your child is absent, then he/she may hand in the homework to me when they return from their absence (no points will be deducted).

10 Grading I grade on a point value system. Your child will receive a letter grade based on the number of total points he or she earns each marking period. Some marking periods may have a higher number of points due to more tests, quizzes, or class projects. Homework is factored into the total number of points.

11 Genesis Parent Portal Please check the parent portal every two weeks to see your child’s progress. If you have questions regarding a grade, please e-mail me.

12 Extra help I will be happy to meet in the morning and help your child. However, your child should ask me for extra help a couple of days in advance. I am available in the mornings and after school Tuesday through Friday.

13 Conferences If you would like to schedule an early conference with me before November, then please call the main office or e-mail me. The best way to contact me is through e- mail ( You can generally expect to hear back from me within 48 hours. Let’s work together to make a great school year for your child! Welcome to ELL.

14 Absences If your child is absent, please call the school office. If you plan on taking an early vacation and your child will miss school time, please e-mail me and let the main office know. Your child can make up work if they are absent when they return.

15 What are some things that parents can do to help? Get a public library card (it is free) and encourage students to take out books as often as possible. You can also take out DVDs and audio books. Get involved in the school community and encourage your child to practice English outside of school as well. Encourage your child to keep a writing journal if possible. Encourage your child to get extra help after school with me if needed.

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