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SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (INFECTIONS). Do Now Take out textbooks and read pages 492- 495 on Sexually Transmitted Diseases. When finished put textbooks.

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Presentation on theme: "SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (INFECTIONS). Do Now Take out textbooks and read pages 492- 495 on Sexually Transmitted Diseases. When finished put textbooks."— Presentation transcript:


2 Do Now Take out textbooks and read pages 492- 495 on Sexually Transmitted Diseases. When finished put textbooks away True or False activity

3 STDs/STIs Communicable (you can catch them from someone else) Spread through person to person sexual contact (skin to skin) Sexual Contact can be oral, anal or vaginal Spread through exchange of bodily fluids (semen, vaginal fluid, blood)

4 STATISTICS and FACTS Young people aged 15–24 years acquire nearly half of all new STDs. Compared with older adults, sexually active adolescents aged 15–19 years and young adults aged 20–24 years are at higher risk of acquiring STDs About 2,000 teenagers become infected with an STD every DAY. (20 million new infections each year in U.S) Each year 1 in 4 teens contracts an STD

5 STATISTICS AND FACTS Most of the time, STIs cause no symptoms, particularly in women. (asymptomatic) Even when an STI causes no symptoms, a person who is infected may be able to pass the disease on to a sex partner. When diagnosed and treated early, many STIs can be treated effectively.

6 How to not become a STD/STI statistic Safest: ABSTINENCE (no sexual contact)  Only 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy and/or contracting an STD/STI Safe:  Use protection (condoms aren’t 100% effective)  Have one monogamous uninfected partner (you and partner get tested to make sure)  Avoid risky behaviors that put you and your body in harms way (respect and protect!!)

7 Virus vs Bacteria VIRUS CANNOT BE CURED Have disease for the rest of your life BACTERIA Can usually be cured with antibiotics Can get the disease again!!!

8 Which are viral, which are bacterial? Bacterial (Can be cured)  Chlamydia  Gonorrhea  Syphilis  Vaginitis  *Pubic Lice (Crabs) Viral (No cure)  HPV  Herpes  HIV

9 Chlamydia Most commonly reported STD in U.S. Infection that attacks the reproductive organs Bacterial infection, can be cured with antibiotics Can be transmitted vaginally, anally and orally Can be asymptomatic (no sign of symptoms) Urine test or specimen from the infected area for detection Can cause PID or sterility if left untreated

10 Signs/symptoms of Chlamydia MALES Discharge of fluids from penis Painful or frequent urination Itching or burning around the opening of penis FEMALES Vaginal discharge Itching in genital area Pain in lower abdomen Bleeding between menstrual cycles Slight fever

11 Gonorrhea Bacterial Infection, cured with antibiotics Likes to live in warm, moist areas of the body Transmitted orally, vaginal or anally Urine test or specimen from the infected area for detection Can cause PID or sterility if left untreated

12 Symptoms of Gonorrhea MALES White-yellowish discharge Burning while urinating FEMALES OFTEN NO SYMPTOMS Yellowish-green discharge Burning while urinating

13 Syphilis 55,400 new cases each year Bacterial infection, can be cured with antibiotics Appears in four stages If left untreated, can cause heart attack, blindness, paralysis and death Can be detected with a blood test or samples from the sores

14 Syphilis– Stage 1 Sores appear around the anus, vagina or penis or scrotum Can be painful Appear within 10 to 90 days

15 Syphilis– Stage 2 17 DAYS TO 6 ½ months later Rash appears Warts, sores or patchy spots may appear General feeling of ill health

16 Syphilis– Latent Stage NO signs or symptoms Can develop 2 to 30+ years after infection May have a relapse of Stage II Need blood test to detect

17 Syphilis– Late Stage Symptoms occur 2 to 30+ years after infection Chronic Nervous Disorders, problems with heart, and blood vessels Blindness, Insanity and even Death may occur These are not reversible!!!!

18 Herpes Simplex Virus 1 out of 6 people aged 14 to 49 years have genital HSV-2 infection. You can get genital herpes even if your partner shows no signs of the infection. If you have any symptoms (like a sore on your genitals, especially one that periodically recurs) lab tests can help determine if you have genital herpes.

19 Symptoms Most individuals infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2 experience either no symptoms or have very mild symptoms that go unnoticed or are mistaken for another skin condition. Typically appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals, rectum or mouth. Transmitted through anal, oral, vaginal sex

20 Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) Most common STI 79 Million Americans are infected with HPV HPV is so common that nearly all sexually- active men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives.

21 Stats continue… There are more than 40 types of HPV that can infect the genital areas of males and females. Can also infect the mouth and throat. Spread through skin to skin contact, Cannot always be prevented by a condom

22 HPV – Signs and Symptoms Asymptomatic Warts may appear around or in the vagina and/or anus, groin, scrotum, or groin area Warts are growths or bumps and may be raised or flat, single or multiple There is a vaccine for females to prevent the strains of HPV that have been known to cause cancer

23 HPV - Treatment Freezing off of warts (Cryotherapy) Using laser or electrical current to remove warts Prescription creams YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE VIRUS!!!

24 Do Now Take out textbooks and read pages 496- 499. When finished, put textbooks away and take out STD sheet

25 Pubic Lice (CRABS) Small parasites that feed on human blood NOT the same as head or body lice!! Usually found on the pubic hair or on course hair on the body Crabs can live for 24 hours after leaving their human host. Transmitted through sexual contact

26 Pubic Lice continue… SYMPTOMS – Itching in the infested area, usually at night when the parasites feed. TREATMENT – Special shampoo for the infected area, over the counter or prescription are available Shaving the pubic area will not eliminate the infection

27 Trichomoniasis/Vaginitis Swelling, itching and burning in the vaginal area Caused by several different germs Discharge may have a funny color or bad smell. NORMAL discharge is a clear milky color.

28 Trich/Vaginitis… The vagina has many types of bacteria. “Good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. When the balance is upset, the “bad” bacteria take over and cause an infection. Can be cured with prescription creams or medications

29 Continue… “Bad” bacteria and other germs can be spread through sexual contact Other things that upset this balance are: Antibiotics Pregnancy Damp under clothing

30 What is HIV/AIDS? Every 9.5 minutes someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Affects the immune systems ability to function properly. The immune system produces disease fighting antibodies HIV is the virus that leads to AIDS

31 How is HIV spread? Sexual contact Infected blood or blood products Sharing contaminated needles Pregnancy of a woman with the AIDS virus

32 Signs and Symptoms Extreme flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, rash, night sweats, ulcers in mouth and on skin) Asymptomatic in the early stages Late stages (progressing into AIDS) might experience those previously mentioned as well as diarrhea and vomiting.

33 Treatment of AIDS THERE IS NO CURE People don’t die from AIDS, they die from complications caused by AIDS b/c this virus weakens the immune system Combination of meds have been show to prolong life. The combos work by slowing down the destruction of the virus. It does not rid the body of the virus.

34 Activity Complete the worksheet ‘Dr. STI’ STD video

35 Activity- STD Study Cases Please read the following cases and figure out which STD this person is infected with using the symptoms sheet as your reference.

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