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Oedipus The King Test Review By Nick Salinski. Characters Oedipus Jocasta Antigone Creon Polynices Tiresias Haemon Ismene Theseus Chorous.

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Presentation on theme: "Oedipus The King Test Review By Nick Salinski. Characters Oedipus Jocasta Antigone Creon Polynices Tiresias Haemon Ismene Theseus Chorous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oedipus The King Test Review By Nick Salinski

2 Characters Oedipus Jocasta Antigone Creon Polynices Tiresias Haemon Ismene Theseus Chorous

3 The life Of Sophocles Sophocles was born in about 497 B.C. Sophocles was a very talented play writer. In his first competition, in 468 B.C, Sophocles took first prize, defeating Aeschylus. Sophocles wrote more than 120 plays. He won about 18 first prizes. He was also a very accomplished actor. He acted in many of his own plays. He was know for many famous plays but Oedipus was his most famous and successful out of all of them. Sophocles died in 405 B.C.

4 Summary of Oedipus The King King Oedipus, aware that a terrible curse has befallen Thebes. He sends Creon to seek the advice of Apollo. Creon tell Oedipus that the only way that Oedipus can remove the curse from the city is if he can find the murderer. Then the blind prophet, Teiresias tells him that he is the one that has kill the old king. Oedipus question a messenger and a shepherd, both of them have told him about how Oedipus was abandoned as an infant and adopted by his family in thebes. Jocasta realizes that she is Oedipus’s mother and that Laius was his father. Knowing of what has happened, she kills herself. Oedipus realizes that he was Laius’s murder and that he’s been married to his mother. Scared of what has happened he gouges his eyes out and is soon exiled from Thebes by the new king Creon.

5 Key Facts Author : Sophocles Tone : Tragic Tense : Present Main Character: Oedipus Setting : Antigone and Oedipus the King are set in Thebes Setting (time) : All three plays are set in the mythical past of ancient Greece. Themes : The power of unwritten law, the willingness to ignore the truth, the limits of free will. Protagonist : Oedipus Publisher : There is no known publisher of original or early editions

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